Fresh Juice from the Garden: A Whole New Experience

I have to say, drinking fresh juice from my garden is a whole new experience for me.

I'm a bit of a late bloomer when it comes to gardening. I was a little apprehensive at first, and I wasn't sure if I liked the idea of gardening or if it would be too much work. I only started seriously gardening a few years ago, and my first attempt was, in a word, disastrous.

I had no idea what I was doing the first year, and the starter garden was a flop. I didn't know what to do, so I planted tomatoes and green beans. I had no idea that green beans needed a pole to grow on. The tomatoes grew like crazy, but the green beans were a total disaster.

Fortunately, I didn't give up, and the second year was better – I grew tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini, and green beans. And I learned a few things along the way, like how to build a trellis for the green beans.

This year, I'm proud to say that my garden is almost pro status. I've grown all sorts of herbs, vegetables, and fruits:

  • 6 different peppers

  • 3 types of melons

  • 2 types of tomatoes

  • Herbs like basil, cilantro, and onion

  • Vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower, lettuce, and potatoes

  • 100 sunflowers

  • and I'm sure I've forgotten to name a few

But the taste of fresh juice from my fruits and vegetables is incredible.

It's sweet,

it's tangy,

it's fresh,

and it's all mine.

And that, to me, is the biggest benefit of gardening.

My other favorite part of gardening is watching things grow. Seeing how a tiny seed can turn into a plant bearing delicious fruit or vegetables is impressive. Gardening is a labor of love, but it's worth it when you can sit down to enjoy a meal made entirely from scratch with ingredients you grew yourself.

Since living the vegan lifestyle, I have dreamt of growing and harvesting organic fruits, vegetables, and herbs for my juice recipes. Not only would this provide me with a healthy and delicious whole-food drink, but it would also save me money on store-bought fruits and vegetables for juice.

Plus, I know exactly how my garden is grown and what goes into the food my family, and I eat – no pesticides, herbicides, or other chemicals: just good old-fashioned hard work and a little luck.

With the Nama J2 cold press juicer, I can easily make healthy green juice with ingredients from my garden. The juicer extracts maximum nutrients from fruits and vegetables, meaning I can get all the vitamins and minerals I need from a single glass of juice.

In addition, the Nama J2 cold press juicer is easy to clean and is built to last, making it the perfect tool for a busy mom who wants to enjoy fresh, organic juice recipes. With this juicer, I can have the best of both worlds: fresh, homemade juice that is healthy and delicious.

My juice babes help me with my gardening for fun and educational purposes. They help me with the weeding, planting, and harvesting. And of course, they love to drink the juice!

We love to try new recipes and experiment with different fruits and vegetables. Our current favorite combines watermelon, beet, cucumber, lime, and mint, and it's refreshing and perfectly hydrating for summer.

Gardening is therapeutic and a great way to spend time with my kids. Not to mention, it's an excellent way to get exercise and fresh air. If you're considering starting a garden, I say go for it - you won't regret it.

Now that I've been gardening for a few years, I can say that it's worth the effort. There's nothing like fresh produce from your garden. Is there a certification for gardeners? Who knows, maybe someday I'll be able to quit my day job and become a professional gardener.

In the meantime, I'm happy to enjoy the fruits (and vegetables) of my labor. When we think of food as energy and natural ingredients as power, it's hard to go back to eating processed junk.

I recommend my shopping list and fave juice combos here if you're looking for a delicious and healthy way to enjoy your fruits and vegetables. And if you're feeling apprehensive, schedule a 1:1 drop-in coaching session here to feel empowered to keep going on your own.