Juicing for Beginners: Transform Your Health with 3 Delicious Recipes

Are you ready to kickstart your journey to better health? Look no further! Whether you're aiming to lose weight, boost your energy levels, or simply nourish your body with essential nutrients, juicing offers a simple and effective solution. Plus, don't miss out on the opportunity to grab a copy of my brand new book, "Elixirs of Life: Juicing Your Way to Peak Health," available now for only $7! Learn how juicing transformed my life and how it can change yours too.

Why Juicing?

Juicing involves extracting the liquid from fruits and vegetables, leaving behind the fiber. This allows your body to quickly absorb the vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants present in these ingredients, giving you a concentrated dose of nutrition in each glass. If you are ready to start investing in your health with the help of the Namawell J2 Juicer, use discount code EVIE10 at checkout to save $55 on your purchase.

Benefits of Juicing:

Increased Energy: Juicing floods your body with essential nutrients, providing a natural energy boost without the need for caffeine.

Weight Loss: By replacing high-calorie snacks and meals with nutrient-rich juices, many people find it easier to shed excess pounds.

Improved Digestion: The easily digestible nature of juices can help soothe digestive issues and promote a healthy gut.

Glowing Skin: The vitamins and antioxidants found in fruits and vegetables can contribute to clearer, more radiant skin.

Enhanced Immunity: Juices are packed with immune-boosting nutrients that help your body fight off illness and infection.

Juicing Recipes:

Green Power Juice:


2 cups spinach

1 cucumber

2 stalks celery

1 green apple

1 lemon (peeled)

1-inch piece of ginger

How it works:

This rejuvenating green juice is loaded with detoxifying and alkalizing ingredients. Spinach provides a rich source of iron and vitamins, while cucumber and celery hydrate and flush out toxins. Green apple adds a touch of sweetness, while lemon and ginger provide a refreshing zing and aid digestion.

Carrot-Orange Energizer:


4 large carrots

2 oranges (peeled)

1-inch piece of turmeric root (or ½ tsp turmeric powder)

1-inch piece of ginger

How it works:

Packed with beta-carotene, vitamin C, and anti-inflammatory compounds, this vibrant juice is an instant mood lifter. Carrots support eye health and skin radiance, while oranges provide a hefty dose of vitamin C. Turmeric and ginger add warmth and spice, helping to reduce inflammation and boost immunity.

Berry Blast Antioxidant Juice:


1 cup mixed berries (strawberries, blueberries, raspberries)

1 cup kale

1 small beet (peeled)

1 green apple

1 lemon (peeled)

How it works:

Berries are packed with antioxidants that combat free radicals and promote cellular health. Kale and beet provide a potent dose of vitamins and minerals, including iron and vitamin K. Green apple adds sweetness, while lemon adds a tangy kick and aids in detoxification.

Introducing "Elixirs of Life: Juicing Your Way to Peak Health"

Are you ready to embark on your own juicing journey? My brand new book, "Elixirs of Life: Juicing Your Way to Peak Health," is now available for only $7! In this book, I share my personal story of transformation and how juicing helped me lose over 60 pounds and regain my health and vitality.

After having two kids in two years old and weighing over 200 pounds, I knew I needed to make a change. Juicing became the catalyst for my transformation journey. By incorporating fresh juices into my daily routine, I not only lost weight but also experienced a newfound sense of energy and well-being.

In "Elixirs of Life," I share my favorite juicing recipes, tips for beginners, and insights into how juicing can transform your health. Whether you're looking to lose weight, boost your energy levels, or simply nourish your body, this book has something for everyone.

Grab your copy of "Elixirs of Life: Juicing Your Way to Peak Health" today for only $7 and discover how juice can change your life for the better. Don't miss out on this opportunity to take control of your health and vitality!