Juicing for PTSD – A Natural Way to Alleviate Symptoms

Millions of people around the world have post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), which is a severe mental health condition. Traumatic experiences that can trigger PTSD are:

  • Military combat

  • Natural disasters

  • Physical or sexual assault

  • Accidents

PTSD symptoms can be debilitating, including anxiety, depression, flashbacks, nightmares, and intense emotional reactions. 

Can Juice Therapy Help with Mental Health?

While medication and therapy can help manage the symptoms, juice therapy offers a natural way to alleviate them. I'll explain why juicing can effectively improve mental health and provide some simple, easy-to-make juice recipes that can help reduce PTSD symptoms.

Juicing is one of the best methods to improve your health naturally, thanks to its many benefits. Organic fruits and vegetables are a great way to get essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. 

These nutrients can help your body feel better, give you energy, and make you happier. Juicing can help reduce inflammation and nourish your body to better cope with stress. 

When you juice for PTSD, choosing organic fruits and vegetables high in vitamins and minerals like magnesium, vitamin C, and B is important. These nutrients can have a calming effect on the body, which is especially helpful if you're dealing with PTSD.

Some of the best fruits and vegetables for juicing include kale, spinach, apples, pears, cucumbers, celery, beets, ginger root, carrots, and lemons. You can combine these to make delicious juices. 

Nutrition Intervention for PTSD

Studies show eating a nutritious non-inflammatory diet, and juicing can help reduce the symptoms of PTSD. Eating a concentrated diet rich in fruits, vegetables, lean plant proteins (such as beans and lentils), whole grains, nuts, and seeds can help to improve your mental health by providing essential vitamins and minerals for brain function.

In addition to eating healthy foods and supplementing your diet with herbs like turmeric, and ginger root, you can make other lifestyle changes to improve mental health. 

Exercise is an integral part of managing PTSD symptoms as it helps to increase endorphins in the brain, which can help elevate mood and reduce anxiety. 

It's also important to practice good self-care, such as:

  • Avoiding excessive alcohol and caffeine consumption 

  • Reducing stress levels

  • Practice self-compassion

  • Seeking out professional support when needed 

Evie's Best Tips for New Juice Babes

1. Start by juicing one or two days a week and gradually increase frequency as desired. 

2. Choose foods high in magnesium, vitamin C, and B to help reduce inflammation and calm the body. 

3. Drink your juice slowly to maximize the absorption of nutrients. 

4. Experiment with different recipes to find your favorite flavors. 

5. Don't forget to enjoy it!

When it comes to juicing for PTSD, there are some key ingredients you should focus on, including:

  • Leafy greens like kale, spinach, and collards

  • Fruits like berries, cherries, and oranges

  • Herbs like turmeric and ginger 

These ingredients are known for their anti-inflammatory properties, which can help reduce the severity of PTSD symptoms. In addition, these ingredients are also rich in vitamins and minerals essential for brain function, including vitamin B, magnesium, and calcium.

Juice Recipes that Help Reduce PTSD Symptoms

Here are some simple, easy-to-make juice recipes that can help reduce PTSD symptoms:

1. The Stress Reliever – This juice combines cucumber, apple, spinach, and lemon to help reduce stress levels. 

2. Mindful Greens – This juice is packed with nutrient-rich ingredients like kale, cucumber, celery, and ginger root - perfect for calming the mind and reducing anxiety. 

3. Sunshine Glow – This juice combines orange, carrot, and ginger to boost energy and Vitamin C.

The Nama J2 juicer is a must-have for anyone looking to add more organic fruits and vegetables to their diet. This powerful, high-performance juicer can quickly and efficiently extract all the nutrient-rich juice from fruits and vegetables, making it an ideal choice for people with PTSD.

The Nama J2 allows you to juice a large amount at once, making enough to last for a week. You can store the juices in the refrigerator and enjoy them throughout the week. The Nama J2 makes juicing for PTSD easier and more convenient.

To help you get the most out of your juice therapy, use my Nama discount code EVIE10 at checkout and save money. Juicing is an excellent way to improve mental health and well-being, particularly for those with PTSD. Try some of these easy recipes and start feeling the benefits immediately.

How Do You Detox Mentally and Emotionally?

In addition to juicing, there are other ways you can detox mentally and emotionally to help reduce PTSD symptoms. Juicing helps to detoxify your body, reducing the toxic load on your liver and kidneys, which can help relieve symptoms of anxiety and depression.

Mental health cleansing includes:

  • Getting quality sleep 

  • Engaging in mindfulness practices like meditation and yoga 

  • Eating a healthy diet full of fruits and vegetables 

  • Spending time in nature 

  • Spending quality time with loved ones 

  • Engaging in creative activities like reading, writing, or drawing 

Juicing is one way to improve your mental health and reduce PTSD symptoms naturally. 

Final Thoughts

Juice therapy is a great way to detoxify your body and reduce the toxic load on your liver and kidneys. Combining these recipes with a healthy lifestyle can naturally improve mental health and reduce PTSD symptoms. 

Everyone's journey is different – developing healthy habits to improve your mental health takes time and dedication. But the rewards are worth it. 

If you want to know more about juice therapy for reducing PTSD symptoms, please contact me. As a certified juice therapist, I provide customized juicing plans tailored to your needs. 

I'm here to help you on your mental and emotional journey for better health. Together, we can make a difference.