Melon juice offers magical benefits

On a hot, summer day, is there anything more refreshing than biting into an ice-cold wedge of watermelon, letting the juice trickle off your hand?  Yes, actually there is:  watermelon juice, that you squeezed, and are enjoying from a glass, with nothing lost or dripping to the ground or making your hands sticky.  It’s so good for you, you don’t want to waste a drop.


Watermelons, and all melons, are ideal fruits to juice.  They’re in season now, which means they’re economical and fresh.  Plus, they’re packed with nutrients.  For the whole month of June, I’m just drinking melon juice:  watermelon, cantaloupe, honeydew.  Last July, I joined the watermelon juice cleanse 2k20 on Instagram and I juiced watermelons for the whole month, and felt amazing.  I’d toss in some flavoring, such as jalapeno, and enjoyed every sip. 

What makes watermelons so fabulous?  Know that when looking for juicing recipes for energy - watermelons have high water content which makes it extremely hydrating, and low in calories.  They are loaded in vitamins A, B, and C, plus potassium, iron, calcium, magnesium, and phosphorous. 

Some researches even consider watermelon to be a natural Viagra, due to the fruit’s amino acid citrulline, which relaxes and dilates blood vessels, similar to how the erectile dysfunction drugs work.

Watermelons can act as a diuretic, stimulating our kidneys to reduce uric acid in the blood.  It’s been said that watermelons can also aid the liver in processing ammonia out of our systems.

Honeydew melon juice is another in-season powerhouse, satisfying our sweet cravings, while supplying Vitamins B and C, plus potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron, and zinc.

According to Stylecraze, honeydew melon juice can cure constipation and bloating instantly, while helping the kidneys flush out toxins due to its insoluble fiber.

Honeydews pack a huge Vitamin C punch, containing more than one-third of our body’s daily requirement.  We all know that Vitamin C helps strengthen and boost our immune system, plus it improves our skin’s collagen levels.  Collagen helps strengthen our skin to fight the effects of aging.

If that’s not enough to have you yearning for a glass of honeydew heaven, know that honeydew melon juice contains lutein and zeaxanthin, which are phytonutrients required for healthy eyes.  Stylecraze adds, “Daily consumption of this juice improves vision, and also reduces the risk of cataract and eye infections.”

When choosing a honeydew, pick one that has a creamy white pale skin and a fragrant aroma.  A heavier fruit indicates more juice inside.  For watermelons, look for dark green ones with a dull skin, and a pale yellow underbelly. 

Ready to try some juice and see how you feel? I am here to help you. Download Evie’s Enlivening Juice List! Featuring some of my favorite recipes and juicing essentials.