National Cannabis Month: How to Juice Cannabis for Maximum Benefits

National Cannabis Month is the perfect time to learn about all the benefits of juicing cannabis. For those unaware, juicing cannabis involves extracting the juice from the plant and consuming it. This is a great way to get all the nutrients and medicinal properties of cannabis into your system.

Juicing cannabis is becoming increasingly popular as more and more people discover the benefits of juice therapy. Cannabis is an effective plant with many healing properties, and it provides many nutrients that can improve your overall health and well-being when juiced.

Can you juice cannabis plants?

While cannabis is most often associated with smoking, there is an emerging trend of using it in juice form. Juice therapy is becoming increasingly popular among those looking for the benefits of cannabis without the adverse side effects of smoking.

While there are many beneficial compounds in cannabis, juicing allows you to consume them in a concentrated form, making it ideal to receive the maximum benefit from the plant. As a certified juice therapist, I am a big proponent of juice therapy and believe it can offer a wide range of benefits for both body and mind.

What are the benefits of juicing cannabis?

Drying, curing, or heating cannabis destroys the plant's volatile oils and raw cannabinoids responsible for most of the benefits associated with the plant. By juicing cannabis, you are preserving all the plant's beneficial compounds. You are getting all the benefits of the plant in an easily digestible form, meaning that your body can easily absorb all nutrients and medicinal properties. Juicing cannabis is one of the best ways to get its benefits into your system.

Some of the benefits of juicing cannabis include: 

- Reduced inflammation

- Pain relief

- Increased energy levels

- Improved digestion

- Reduced anxiety 

- Improved sleep quality

- Cancer prevention

When you add cannabis to your juice recipes, your body can easily absorb all high levels of antioxidants, which can help to protect your body from free radicals. These antioxidants can also help to reduce inflammation and pain.

Cannabis gets into your bloodstream through the digestive system. When you consume it in juice form, the cannabinoids are absorbed directly into the bloodstream, where they can work their magic, making juicing cannabis a powerful way to ingest it.

How do you juice cannabis?

Cannabis juice is made by blending the leaves and flowers of the plant with other fruits and vegetables. This creates a nutrient-rich juice that can be enjoyed on its own or added to smoothies and other recipes.

Many people ask how to juice cannabis as cannabis juice therapy becomes more popular. When juicing cannabis, it is essential to use only the plant's fresh organic leaves, stems, and buds to get the most benefit from the therapy. Any dried-up material won't be as effective and may cause a high.

There are many ways to juice cannabis, but the most common and easiest way is to use a cold-press juicer. If you must use a blender, chop the leaves from the plant into small pieces, add them to the juicer or blender and blend until it is liquefied.

Consider adding organic fruit and vegetables to your juice recipes to create a balanced and nutritious drink. You can also add ginger, turmeric, or other anti-inflammatory herbs.

Get more of Evie’s Juicing Tips here.

Cannabis juice is a great way to get the benefits of the plant without any of the adverse side effects associated with smoking it. Consuming cannabis in juice form allows you to absorb all its nutrients and medicinal properties, making it a powerful way to improve your health and well-being.

If you're interested in this new green superfood, juice therapy, or embracing a healthy lifestyle, consider a 30-minute coaching call and be empowered.