Posts tagged juicing recipes for energy
A refresher on refreshing, body-loving juice

I shared how fruit juices are energizers, while veggie juices are builders. Did you know that the chlorophyll in plants is almost identical to human blood, and helps build tissues? Plants heal! And this is why juicing works: it extracts the best of a plant. It’s liquid life energy! And raw foods are living foods with life-giving energy that bring vitality to the cells.

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Comparing apples to apples, and other fall fruits

Grapes get even sweeter in the fall. According to produce experts, the cooler fall nights intensify the flavor of grapes, while the hot days allow them to keep ripening. Green grapes that are turning the slightest bit amber will be super sweet. And red grapes are equally good. When I do a juice cleanse, I always use grapes as they as so powerful in pulling toxins from the body.

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