The Healing Powers of Juicing for Migraines

Migraines can be debilitating, and almost anything can set them off. The pulsating pain can be so bad that it can make us want to curl up and avoid sunlight, sounds, and activities altogether. While medication can help alleviate the pain and discomfort, have you ever considered the healing powers of juicing for migraines? 

Natural juices from organic fruits and vegetables contain the necessary vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that can help soothe migraines and reduce inflammation.

The Benefits of Juicing for Migraines 

Juicing is an excellent method to get our daily dose of essential nutrients that we might have difficulty consuming otherwise. Natural juices contain vitamins A, C, and E and minerals, critical for reducing the frequency and severity of migraines. 

The Namawell J2 Juicer is a great option for making juices because it uses a low-speed system that ensures maximum nutrient absorption and prevents oxidation. Juicing with the Namawell J2 Juicer is also effortless, and you get the most nutritional benefits with every glass of juice.

Anti-Inflammatory Juice for Migraines 

Inflammation is one of the underlying causes of migraines. Some of the best anti-inflammatory juices include ginger, turmeric, kale, celery, pineapple, and blueberries. These ingredients are full of antioxidants and have properties that can reduce inflammation and soothe migraines. Below is a recipe for an anti-inflammatory juice that can help alleviate migraines.

Juicing Recipes for Migraine Relief:

Pineapple - Beet Juice Recipe


2 ripe pineapples, peeled

2 medium red beets

1-2 small gold beets

Thumb of ginger


Put the ingredients in your Namawell J2 Juicer machine and serve over ice.

Hydrating Juice for Migraines 

Dehydration can also trigger migraines, and it's essential to remain hydrated to avoid headaches. Drinking fluids, particularly water, can prevent migraine attacks, but juicing with hydrating ingredients like watermelon, cucumber, and citrus fruits can also help. They have a high-water content and are packed with vitamins that can help ease or prevent migraines.

Cucumber-Watermelon-Lemon Juice


1 small cucumber

4 cups watermelon, peeled 

1 lemon, peeled


Put the ingredients in your Namawell J2 Juicer machine and serve chilled.

Mindful Eating Habits 

Juicing for migraines is one of the most effective remedies, but we must also consider our eating habits. Skipping meals, consuming processed and high-fat foods, or not drinking enough water can trigger migraines. A healthy and balanced diet prevents migraines, and juicing can be a great way to get all the essential vitamins and minerals quickly.

Migraines can be a real headache, but juicing with natural ingredients can make all the difference. The Namawell J2 Juicer is an excellent investment for anyone who wants to lead a healthy lifestyle and consume nutritious juices with maximum benefits. And when you use Nama Discount Code EVIE10 at checkout, you can save $55

Try the two easy-to-make juicing recipes we've provided, or download Evie's Enlivening Juice List for more of my fave recipes, shopping list, and how-to guide.