Boosting your immunity for the fall

The summer is ending, and fall is around the corner. 

While cooler air brings relief from summer’s heat and humidity, it also provides some challenges to our immune systems.  We spend more time inside, exposed to viruses like the cold and flu, which thrive in places like schools, offices, theaters, and malls.

Boosting your immunity now is the best time - before the onslaught of colds, flu, and other illnesses that come with the change in seasons.

I have found the best way to defeat these pesky viral intruders is to boost my immune system with nutritious plant-based foods before they take hold.  

The best thing you can do to have more energy and a natural holistic healthy immune system? 


And fall is the best time of year to help your immune system because healthy fruits and vegetables are plentiful. Check your local farmer’s market. Using your locally grown organic fruits and vegetables is a bonus for your body and for your neighbors. 

 Raw, organic juice made from vegetables and fruits cleanses the body of toxins, which free up your immune system to fight disease. 

A juice cleanse is the best to reset your system and empower you to have natural healing.

The change of seasons is a good reason to boost your immunity, so I do a juice cleanse. Since our immune system includes over 200 different types of cells, it can be helpful to stop feeding your body for several days and let it do some self-repair work. 

Our bodies are smart like that. 

The juice therapy that I recommend is a 3, 5 or 7-day juice cleanse 4x a year for optimal results. 

Some of my favorite juices to drink while cleansing is vegan, gluten-free, and dairy-free. Great for those with sensitivities!

Each juice should provide 50 percent or more of your daily nutritional requirements in the form of vitamins, minerals, enzymes, amino acids, antioxidants, chlorophyll, and phytonutrients. 

I hope these tips will help you maintain good health this season!

To inspire you to stay healthy this fall, I’ve compiled some easy ways to boost your immunity so you can power through it! 

Download your free copy of Evie’s Enlivening Juice List, featuring my recipes for a juice cleanse which include juicing recipes for energy.