When you make national headlines and end up on Jimmy Kimmel

Imagine my unpleasant surprise to go to bed on a Monday night, only to wake up Tuesday morning to learn I was mocked the night before on Jimmy Kimmel Live!  On his September 13 show, he televised my picture, and jokingly said Evie Kevish a “Certified Juice Therapist” and wondered about where I got my Juice Therapy certification: “The University of Jamba?”  Not quite. He also advised viewers to not get medical info from “people with abs!” That was quite flattering to be honest.

This all began a few weeks earlier, when a Washington Post reporter reached out to me to ask me about one of my posts regarding a shirt I was wearing in a post about a healthy lifestyle and healing your body naturally. Yep, on that post I was wearing a crop top saying “Vaccines Are Poison.” However, my post was all about being “active about what we learn,” and “seek information,” and “let go of fear and be open to get back to nature and trust yourself.”

If you read my blogs and social media posts, you will see what I share a lot is information about a juice cleanse. I also share recipes for a juice cleanse, the benefits a juice cleanse and information about juicing recipes for energy. I am all about inspiring, educating and motivating people on a healthy and holistic lifestyle.

If you’ve been following me for a while, you know that my family and I are vegan and choose to lead a life as all-natural as possible. We boost our immunity with fruits and vegetables, most of them juiced for optimum vitamins and nutrition.

I completely respect what other people choose to do with their health.  For my family and me, we’d rather flood our bodies with vitamin C rich pineapple juice and other antioxidants, than medicines. That’s what I’m about. I think it’s backwards how people think health problems are normal, yet juicing is weird.

This pandemic has caused a lot of horrible things, including an increase in anger and diminished patience to understand each other.  My heart goes out to all the families who’ve lost loved ones to the pandemic. I pray the end of this virus is in sight, and that everyone has a renewed appreciation for their amazing body, and takes superior care of it.  True, we can’t prevent all diseases, but we can sure equip our bodies with maximum ammunition to stay well and fight off germs.

My message to you is to choose health as much as possible.  You don’t have to go vegan or do multiple cleanses. They help me stay well and strong, but for some people, getting healthier can be as easy as swapping out one meal for an immunity-boosting refreshing juice. See my previous blogs for recipes.  Consume plenty of vitamin C-rich juices from tangerines, strawberries, oranges, kale, and bell peppers.  Add spinach to your juices, and you’ll add nourishing Vitamin E to your body, too.

And if you happen to see Jimmy Kimmel, remind him to take care of himself too, with great nutrition, and to maybe get to bed earlier too!

If you are looking for some recipes to do a juice cleanse or want to know more about the benefits of a juice cleanse, check out Evie’s Enlivening Juice List featuring my enlightened list of juicing essentials plus some of my favorite recipes to get started.