The pumpkin craze

This year, the pumpkin spice latte was named the most popular fall beverage by coffee shops all over the country. Are you on the pumpkin spice latte train? You should know there are some scary things in your favorite fall drink.

The latte has high levels of saturated fat, which can lead to inflammation. This drink also has high levels of sugar, which can lead to type II diabetes and obesity.

But that's not all this favorite drink has that is potentially toxic.

One of these ingredients is caramel color, which can cause cancer. Another ingredient is potassium sorbate, which is used as a preservative but can also cause health issues.

 And let's not forget Monsanto milk. Monsanto milk has growth hormones that can lead to cancer and other health issues, including infertility.

If you're not concerned about these things in your drink, think again.

Pumpkin spice lattes and other fall drinks might be delicious, but they're not healthy. So unless your priority this season is to gain weight, you might want to skip ordering any of these drinks.

If you still want to enjoy those delicious flavors without any of the side effects (weight gain, cholesterol increase), this certified juice therapist has a treat (no tricks) for you. Try this easy juice recipe for energy.

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Evie’s Fall Juice Ingredients: 1/2 in. of ginger, 2 carrots, 1 gold beet, and 4  honeycrisp apples. Directions: Put your ingredients in a juicer and enjoy your healthy pumpkin-y drink! Add fresh lemon or orange peel for more flavor.

You can benefit from healthy juicing by drinking juice for breakfast or lunch every day. Make your healthy juice drink with natural and organic ingredients if you want to enjoy all the flavors that come with pumpkin spice lattes and other fall drinks without any of the side effects.

If you would like information about a juice cleanse or if you are looking for recipes for a juice cleanse, in addition to the benefits a juice cleanse and information about juicing recipes for energy then download your free copy of Evie’s Enlivening Juice List, featuring my enlightened list of juicing essentials.

Evie Kevishjuicing, vegan, healthy