Posts tagged juice therapy
Juice Therapy for Stroke Recovery

Juicing, or extracting nutrient-rich liquids from fresh, organic fruits and vegetables, is a powerful tool in promoting overall health and well-being. Especially noteworthy is its potential role in stroke recovery. Let's dive into the science and benefits of this natural therapy, fondly known as juice therapy.

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When you make national headlines and end up on Jimmy Kimmel

If you read my blogs and social media posts, you will see what I share a lot is information about a juice cleanse. I also share recipes for a juice cleanse, the benefits a juice cleanse and information about juicing recipes for energy. I am all about inspiring, educating and motivating people on a healthy and holistic lifestyle.

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Comparing apples to apples, and other fall fruits

Grapes get even sweeter in the fall. According to produce experts, the cooler fall nights intensify the flavor of grapes, while the hot days allow them to keep ripening. Green grapes that are turning the slightest bit amber will be super sweet. And red grapes are equally good. When I do a juice cleanse, I always use grapes as they as so powerful in pulling toxins from the body.

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Work your juicer like a boss!

A couple of years ago I wanted to do a juice cleanse and I was looking up recipes for a juice cleanse. I wanted to know the benefits of a juice cleanse. Is juicing healthy? Can I really find juicing recipes for energy? I researched and read all about juice therapy and decided I needed to purchase a juicer.

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Best Father’s Day gift idea: Your good health

Thinking of a great Father’s Day gift idea for your husband? The best gift you can give your husband is a healthy you. The healthiest that you can be, right now. Maybe you have weight to lose; being healthy is more than the number on the scale. It’s taking care of yourself, by keeping up with doctor’s appointments, sleeping well, staying hydrated, and nourishing your body and soul.

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Can juicing prevent skin cancer?

When thinking about sunscreen, really look and read the ingredients. Sunscreen is supposed to protect us from harmful UV radiation from the sun, but as more people use sunscreen, the incidence of skin cancer continues to rise. My family does not use toxic chemical sunscreens. So think about that the next time you lather your child up in the blazing sun.

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Overate? Time to motivate!

If you’ve achieved your weight goals, and lost any pandemic/stress-induced weight gain: Congratulations!

If instead you’re looking at the calendar realizing that summer is just weeks away, and you’re not ready for a bathing suit or shorts, I got you. Every day is a new chance to reset and improve.

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Spring clean your kitchen, to spring clean your body

Your kitchen can be your sanctuary, not a prison if you spend some time making it work. Say an affirmation or prayer before juicing or making meals. Declare that "this is where I nourish myself and my family, I am so thankful for these clean fruits and veggies to nourish and cleanse our bodies." Be thankful.

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Can raw foods heal autism?

“Studies in mainstream journals are now linking the autism epidemic in the United States to the standard American diet. Severe mineral deficiencies are the result of processed and refined foods that contain toxic ingredients such as high-fructose corn syrup, which can play a huge role in how the body gets rid of toxic chemicals such as mercury and pesticides.”

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Keep Easter clean, tasty, and ham-free

Being Puerto Rican, it doesn’t matter what holiday or event - the main dish is ALWAYS rice and beans accompanied by meat. However, with my immediate family being vegan almost two years now, we have had to change some things for our holiday gatherings. Most of the time, I make and/or bring my own food to parties, because I know there probably won’t be a lot of nutritious vegan choices.

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What’s in Season? Pick pineapples!

As a Juice Therapist, I will tell you that pineapples have loads of vitamins and nutrients, which is why my typical weekly grocery bill includes 25 pineapples, in addition to other fruit and veggies to feed my family of four. Yes 25 pineapples, and we don’t have leftovers. (Aldi calls me the fruit lady!).

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Better than green beer: Treat your body to this St. Paddy’s Day elixir

Some juicing recipes for energy can include celery, basil, cucumber and green apple. The stats for one cup of celery juice: 43 calories, 2 grams protein, 9.5 grams carbs, and 5 grams of natural sugar. Plus, it packs between 5 to 14% of your daily vitamin requirements for calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, and vitamins A, C, and K. Need more evidence of this superfood?

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