Juicing for Autism Awareness Month

April is Autism Awareness Month, and one topic that deserves attention when it comes to autism is nutrition. Kids with autism are often picky eaters, and their diets can be varied, resulting in nutritional deficiencies.

The gut and brain are connected, so proper nutrition is essential for overall health and well-being. One way to ensure your kid with autism gets the vital nutrients they need is through juicing.

What is Juicing?

Extracting juice from fresh organic fruits and vegetables has never been easier than with the Namawell J2 juicer. This remarkable machine allows you to get all the essential micronutrients found in produce without consuming large amounts at once.

How Juicing Works for Picky Eaters with Autism

Juicing fresh, organic fruits and vegetables can help reduce the levels of environmental toxins in the body, which are known to contribute to some of the symptoms associated with ASD. It can also help provide essential vitamins and minerals that are often lacking in people with autism.

Juicing is an excellent way to give your child with autism the vitamins and minerals they need. You do not have to worry about them being picky or not eating enough.

It also brings out the natural sweetness of the produce so that kids who don't like bitter or sour flavors can still enjoy freshly made juices.

Benefits of Juice Therapy for Kids with Autism

Are you feeling overwhelmed dealing with a picky eater who has autism? Many parents are in the same situation.

Juicing is an extraordinary advantage for children on the spectrum as it provides them with all their essential nutrients effortlessly and quickly.

Nutritional and Delicious

Many parents have noticed that their kids like juice more than raw fruits and vegetables. Juicing is an excellent way to make sure your kids get all the vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants they need to be healthy.

Drinking fresh juice can help keep your blood sugar levels in balance. This may help reduce some problems connected to autism, like feeling anxious or hyperactive.

Hypersensitivity to Textures

Aside from the nutritional benefits of juicing, there are also psychological ones. Kids with autism often have sensory issues that make eating difficult.

Juicing can be fun for them as they choose what ingredients to include and watch as the juice is made. This activity helps make mealtimes more enjoyable and encourages better nutrition.

How To Incorporate Juice Therapy into Your Child's Diet

If you suffer from mealtime challenges, start by selecting a variety of organic fruits and vegetables that your child enjoys eating or drinking.

Apples, oranges, carrots, and spinach are a great way to start with juicing, and they give you a good balance of sweets and greens.

Start with small amounts first and gradually increase the quantity over time as your little one gets used to the flavor.

Best Juice Recipe for Autism

A great juice recipe for your child with autism is:

- 2 large apples

- 1 head of celery

- 2 carrots

- 1 cucumber

- Handful of spinach leaves

- A few sprigs of parsley

Simply blend all the ingredients in the Nama J2 hopper. Enjoy a delicious, nutritious, energizing beverage with essential vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and enzymes.

What is the Best Method for Juicing?

Nourish your little one's body and mind with the help of a cold-press juicer like the Nama J2 Cold Press Juicer. Cold pressing helps to retain all the nutrients, vitamins, and enzymes found in produce for maximum benefits.

The Nama's cold press juicer slowly crushes and presses fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds to release their natural juices. This method helps preserve the nutrients within the juice so your child can get the most out of it.

The quietness of the machine won't startle children with sensory issues, and the ease of use makes it ideal for busy parents.

AND clean-up only takes a few minutes with the Namawell J2 juicer, making it easier to include fresh juices into your routine.

Juice therapy is a great way to provide your little one with autism with the nutrition they need. The Nama J2 Cold Press Juicer is an excellent tool for making nutritious and delicious juices.

Use my Nama DIscount Code EVIE10 to save 10% on your purchase.

By incorporating fresh juices into their daily routine, people with ASD can improve their overall health and wellness.

During Autism Awareness Month, consider introducing juicing to someone who may benefit from it. Thank you for helping to spread awareness about the importance of proper nutrition.

If you want to learn more, contact me here. As a certified juice therapist, I can help you create a customized plan to show you the power of juice therapy.