Juicing for Lupus: Lupus Awareness Month

May is Lupus Awareness Month, and I think it's important to share information about the advantages of juicing for those with Lupus. Many people overlook the healing properties of juicing and underestimate its role in reducing inflammation, boosting the immune system, and promoting overall well-being.

Sometimes it's hard to make sure your body gets all the nutrition it needs. A simple and tasty way to do this is to drink fresh juices to keep your body strong and healthy.

Let's dig into the specifics and share some facts on how juicing can make a difference for those with Lupus.

What Kills Chronic Inflammation?

Anti-inflammatory foods include blueberries, pomegranates, cherries, citrus fruits, leafy greens, beets, and carrots. These foods contain phytochemicals—plant-based compounds that reduce inflammation in the body. Combined with spices like ginger, turmeric, and garlic, juicing these foods can help reduce chronic inflammation caused by Lupus.

Juice Therapy provides the vital vitamins and minerals your body craves and contains powerful enzymes and antioxidants that help fight inflammation and support your body's natural healing processes. Plus, quickly absorbing these nutrients into your bloodstream means you'll feel energized and ready to take on the day.

Benefits of Juice Therapy for Lupus

The benefits of juice therapy for lupus patients are substantial. Juice therapy is especially beneficial for those with Lupus because it helps rid their bodies of harmful toxins and pollutants that can cause inflammation and other serious issues.

Juicing is an easy way to get vital nutrients:

Juices prepared with fresh organic fruits and vegetables contain vitamins, minerals, enzymes, and antioxidants, which help support the body's natural healing processes. These nutrients can be easily absorbed into the bloodstream, giving your body a much-needed energy boost and helping it fight inflammation.

Juicing helps reduce stress and fatigue:

Lupus can be exhausting, often resulting in periods of severe fatigue and low energy levels. Regular juicing therapy can help to replenish the body with vital nutrients, helping to reduce stress and increase overall energy levels.

Juices can help boost your immune system:

Fruits and vegetables are rich in immune-boosting antioxidants and other compounds that can help to protect against infection. This is especially important for those with Lupus, prone to infections due to weakened immune systems. Drinking fresh juices will give your body an extra line of defense against infection-causing bacteria and viruses.

Juicing can help reduce inflammation:

One of the fundamental symptoms of Lupus is chronic inflammation, which can be challenging to manage with conventional treatments alone. Drinking fresh juices from anti-inflammatory ingredients like pineapple, turmeric, and ginger can help naturally reduce inflammation.

3 Juice Recipes to Improve Symptoms of Lupus

Pineapple Refresher: This juice is a great way to kickstart your day, as it's packed with anti-inflammatory and immune-boosting ingredients.

  • 1-2 cups Fresh-cut pineapple

  • 1 Cucumber

  • Thumb of ginger

  • Fresh mint

  • Lemon

The delicious tropical flavors will refresh and energize you all day.

Beetroot Carrot Sunrise: This juice combines two inflammation-fighting ingredients, carrots, and beets, for a sweet and nourishing drink.

  • 2 Beets

  • 3 Carrots

  • 1 Apple

  • Thumb of ginger

The natural sweetness of this juice will give you an extra energy boost and help your immunity stay strong.

Green Elixir: This green juice is packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants thanks to ingredients like kale, spinach, and lemon.

  • 2 cups Kale

  • 2 cups Spinach

  • 1 Apple

  • ½ Lemon

This juice will help you power through your day and keep inflammation at bay.

Try adding these juices to reduce inflammation and improve other symptoms of Lupus, such as fatigue, a weakened immune system, and stress. Juicing can be easy to nourish your body with healing nutrients and get the energy you need.

Evie's Top 5 Tips for Preparing Fresh Juices at Home

The key to making the best juices at home is having a good quality juicer that can extract the most nutrients from your ingredients. The Nama J2 juicer is a slow cold-press juicer that minimizes oxidation and nutrient loss, ensuring you get the best out of your ingredients.

Use my Nama Coupon Code EVIE10 to save $55 on the Nama J2 juicer.

  • Choose organic ingredients when possible:

Organic fruits and vegetables are better for your health and contain more vitamins, minerals, enzymes, and antioxidants than their conventional counterparts. Be sure to look for organic ingredients whenever possible.

  • Batch process your juice recipe:

The Nama J2 makes it easy to batch process. Simply add all the ingredients for your juice recipe into the chute, press start, and you'll be able to make several glasses of fresh juice in a few minutes. I use mason jars to store my batches of juice for up to 72 hours in the fridge.

  • Make recipes according to what's in season:

It's best to take advantage of seasonal produce when preparing juices, as they contain the most nutrients. Use seasonal fruits and vegetables from your local grocery store or farmer's market in juice recipes.

  • Be creative with your ingredients:

It can be easy to get into a routine of making the same juices repeatedly. To avoid getting bored with juicing, experiment with different combinations of ingredients and flavors. You may find some great new recipes that you love!

If you want more about juice therapy for reducing inflammation and boosting your body's immune system, please contact me. I am a certified juice therapist passionate about helping others take a holistic approach to managing their health.