Spring clean your kitchen, to spring clean your body

It’s officially spring, the perfect time to clean out more than just your house, but any old bad habits blocking you from reaching your health goals. Talking about clean, are you ready to start eating clean to flood your body with healthy raw foods to feel magnificent?

Raw foods are a life force. Foods have live enzymes, and when you cook them, the body uses blood energy for digestion. Onions have life force enzymes. So if you cook or steam foods, add some fresh onions or garlic to bring them back to life with the live enzymes. When you eat your next meal ask yourself, "How much of this meal is alive?"

Juicing is another great way to eat clean and healthy. Make it easy to juice your fresh produce by setting up your kitchen for success. Our kitchen is our sanctuary: the pulse of our home. Kitchens need to be organized and clean to function well. My talented husband even made me a special crate to help store produce to keep it fresh and in sight for daily consumption.  

What helps us, is buying healthy foods in bulk to stock the fridge.  We always have these foods ready: celery, carrots, cucumbers, zucchini, apples, grapefruit, and almonds. We replenish our stock weekly. 

Be dedicated to juicing. Keep your juicer close or even leave it out.  Take all other non-essential appliances out! Essential appliances to me are my juicer, blender, wheatgrass grinder, spouter, and dehydrator. I don’t have all of these yet, but am working on it!

Look around your kitchen and ask yourself, "Does this appliance or tool support my ability to create living foods?" Maybe that toaster needs to be stored in a bottom cabinet, and not taking up prime space on the counter top.

 If your kitchen is not clean and organized, you will not be motivated to juice. I always say CAYG - clean as you go. And clean your juicer before you drink your juice!

Also, this Juice Therapist is here to tell you to stop using aluminum or Teflon cookware, as these materials are linked to cancer. 

How is your pantry? It is filled with clean living foods and snacks? Or are you eating GMO frankenfood? You CANNOT have tempting foods in the kitchen if you want a healthy lifestyle. Take time to purge any foods that won’t improve your health. And remember to store nuts and seeds in the fridge. Once you make changes, you’ll see results.

Make your kitchen a powerful place. Have the right state of mind. Ask your spouse/partner to help.  My husband and I work together in the kitchen juicing, and it works so great. We share the chores of washing and drying our fruits and vegetables.  After meals have everyone clean! Everyone helps out and cleans together, including the kids. 

Your kitchen can be your sanctuary, not a prison if you spend some time making it work. Say an affirmation or prayer before juicing or making meals. Declare that "this is where I nourish myself and my family, I am so thankful for these clean fruits and veggies to nourish and cleanse our bodies."  Be thankful. 

These are just some of my pro tips as a Juice Therapist. If you are looking to do a juice cleanse or need some recipes for a juice cleanse and want to know more about the benefits, check out  Evie’s Enlivening Juice List featuring my enlightened list of juicing essentials plus some of my favorite recipes.

Cleaning + Discipline = Your living kitchen.