Overate? Time to motivate!

If you’ve achieved your weight goals, and lost any pandemic/stress-induced weight gain:  Congratulations!

If instead you’re looking at the calendar realizing that summer is just weeks away, and you’re not ready for a bathing suit or shorts, I got you.  Every day is a new chance to reset and improve. 

Like many inspirational people have said, it’s not how many times you fall that matters, but how many times you get up.  


I know first-hand about disappointment and not achieving my goals 100 percent. I recently participated in the CrossFit Open. I trained hard for this intense competitive event, and aimed to place in the top 20 percent for my age category. The day of the first event, I was pumped. 

Athletes do not know what the workout is until 24-hours prior. But I was ready, fueled, and eager to compete. When my turn came, I got going….and I did not score as many points for the event, as somehow my hands were not close enough to the wall.  Wha??? I was so disappointed. 

For the following week’s competition, I competed while not feeling my best, but I still showed up and pushed through. I was off my game, and again didn’t meet my goal.  Overall, I placed in the top 30 percent for CrossFit Open, but it was not where I wanted to be.

Did I berate myself?  Heck no. I tried my best. I was sweating so hard my eyebrow melted off during one of the intense workouts ha!! I gave it my all.  I’ll do it again next year, and keep working out and juicing to feel my best every day. 

I lift to be strong.  Being strong doesn’t mean being perfect. I used to be night owl during and after college, working a career in the music industry which included a lot of late nights.  About 10 years ago, I converted my lifestyle to be an early riser.  It works for me:  I get my workout done before any interruptions can re-route me.  It puts me in a great frame of mind, motivating me to eat well during the day to not wreck all my hard work.

Do you need to get back on track?  Looking for juicing recipes for energy? This Juice Therapist is here to tell you to make one healthy decision today. Maybe drink an extra glass of water. Or you can try one set of 15 squats.  And do it again tomorrow.  How about some juice for an energizing lunch to fuel your day? Or if you are up for it, try a juice cleanse. I can give you great recipes for a juice cleanse. You’ll make progress, one good decision at a time.

If you want some recipes for a juice cleanse download your free copy of Evie’s Enlivening Juice List featuring my enlightened list of juicing essentials plus some of my favorite recipes.