Can juicing prevent skin cancer?

“Growing evidence shows that foods high in certain nutrients can indeed help prevent skin cancer,” states The Skin Cancer Foundation.

Since May is National Skin Cancer Awareness Month, I want to help you stay well inside and out.  The Foundation reminds us to go for periodic full-body skin exams, wear sunglasses, and use sunscreen.  And for even more protection, eat and drink a vitamin-rich diet.

“Nonmelanoma skin cancers, including basal cell and squamous cell carcinoma, are the most common cancers in America.  Some 5.4 million cases are treated in more than 3 million people every year, but recent research shows that certain dietary changes may be one way to bring these numbers down.”

What is the major cause of skin cancer?   Ultraviolet (UV) rays from the sun or from tanning machines.  About 90% of nonmelanoma skin cancers and 86% of melanomas are associated with solar UV, and more than 419,000 cases of skin cancer in the U.S. each year are linked to indoor tanning, according to the Foundation.

“UV exposure wreaks a lot of its havoc on the skin by generating free radicals, unstable, nasty little oxygen molecules that produce inflammation and damage cell function and your skin’s DNA.  This DNA damage can cause changes in your genes called mutations that lead to skin cancer.

“A 2002 study found that UV exposure greases the wheels for skin damage partly by depleting antioxidants in the body. So it makes sense that replacing these protective substances could bolster the weakened defenses,” says the Foundation.

Yes, antioxidants to the rescue! Vitamins, nutrients, and other nourishing compounds in juices may help battle free radicals so they don’t cause skin cancer.  Nutritionists have found that the vitamins in foods are more effective than swallowing them in supplements.

When thinking about sunscreen, really look and read the ingredients. Sunscreen is supposed to protect us from harmful UV radiation from the sun, but as more people use sunscreen, the incidence of skin cancer continues to rise. My family does not use toxic chemical sunscreens. So think about that the next time you lather your child up in the blazing sun.

What are some nutrition-packed antioxidant food sources, that are great juiced? Carrots are high in beta carotene, which The Skin Cancer Foundation says “may reduce the risk of some cancers. Beta carotene also boosts the immune system’s ability to fight disease.”  Other beta carotene powerhouses include sweet potatoes, cantaloupes, apricots, and mangoes.

“The same red pigment in lycopene that helps protect the tomato against sun damage may also help protect your skin against sun damage,” states the Foundation.  So juice some tomatoes, watermelon, guava, papaya, pink grapefruit, and blood oranges to toast your good health!

These are just some of my pro tips as a Juice Therapist. If you are wondering “Is Juicing Healthy?” or if you might even need some recipes for a juice cleanse and want to know more about the benefits, check out  Evie’s Enlivening Juice List featuring my enlightened list of juicing essentials plus some of my favorite recipes.