Best Father’s Day gift idea: Your good health

Thinking of a great Father’s Day gift idea for your husband? The best gift you can give your husband is a healthy you. The healthiest that you can be, right now. Maybe you have weight to lose; being healthy is more than the number on the scale. It’s taking care of yourself, by practicing preventative care, sleeping well, staying hydrated, and nourishing your body and soul.

It’s true, a happy wife makes for a happy life. And a healthy, happy wife is the best gift of all.  When we take care of ourselves, we’re better able to give to others and feel better about everything, including life’s challenges.


Sure, get your husband that 9 iron he’s been wanting, or a gift certificate for a full car-detailing and wax.  And make sure to make yourself a priority, by spending time to do what makes you your healthiest.

For Mother’s Day, my husband treated me to what I wanted:  new plates. And I don’t mean china. He got me new weight plates for my barbell. I’m working on beating my 250-pound personal best deadlift, to reach my new goal to lift 300 pounds. I wouldn’t have turned down diamond-stud earrings, but the plates are what I need most. We’re all on a journey, and I’m choosing the path to feel my strongest and best.

I want my husband to feel his best, too. He joins me in a quarterly juice cleanse, and even helps when we make our weekly family juice supply. To me, that’s love. It takes about four hours once a week to clean, and juice our fruits for the week. My two kids often help too. Not going to lie:  it’s hard work to prep 20 pineapples, wash mounds of grapes and other fruits and veggies, feed them through the juicer, bottle them, refrigerate them, and do it all again the next week.

The benefits: family time and optimum nutrition for all. If you don’t want to prepare your own juices, there are plenty of great cold-pressed organic juice bars. Maybe have a family toast this Father’s Day with some juicing recipes for energy like a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice topped with a squirt of fresh lemon juice for an extra kick of Vitamin C. Add a little skewer of fresh fruit and you have breakfast ready to go. Or put it in a to-go cup for your husband, as you send him off to the golf course, armed with his new club and a cup of liquid energy!

Ready to juice? Download your free copy of Evie’s Enlivening Juice List featuring my enlightened list of juicing essentials plus some of my favorite recipes.