Keep Easter clean, tasty, and ham-free

I am kicking off another juice cleanse starting, Monday April 5, 2021. If you have been reading my blogs for a while, you know the benefits of a rejuvenating juice cleanse. I have given hundreds of people recipes for a juice cleanse but what about the holidays? What do you eat?

Being Puerto Rican, it doesn’t matter what holiday or event - the main dish is ALWAYS rice and beans accompanied by meat. However, with my immediate family being vegan almost two years now, we have had to change some things for our holiday gatherings. Most of the time, I make and/or bring my own food to parties, because I know there probably won’t be a lot of nutritious vegan choices. 

My mom and other relatives now try to make some foods that my husband, kids and I can eat as well, which is so nice and truly appreciated. But it sucks when they forget!  We just can't eat all of their delicious, but mucus-forming foods. How can they forget us? Or why does my mom make special meals for my brother and not me! Ha ha, sibling rivalry and failed expectations live on, even in our 40s!    

But I am over that now. I have just accepted that I have to prepare and bring my own foods wherever I go. And I bring enough to share, because once people try my food, they often like it.

My parents have become more plant-based, but they still eat meat occasionally. And my brother and his family are all carnivores; but we make it work. They are open to trying my foods, and it all works out, which is fantastic! We can still all eat together and enjoy the holidays. 

So, what does a juice therapist make and eat for special occasions, especially Easter, which is April 4. Here are some of my favorite recipes:

This is a flavorful twist on classic enchiladas with roasted plantains, black beans, smoky enchilada sauce, and cashew queso! Just 10 ingredients required, hearty, flavorful, and so delicious! I promise even meat eaters will love this one! 

These are called Thanksgiving wraps but can be enjoyed on any holiday. They are so good; the garlic dill sauce with fresh dill, garlic, and lemon make these wraps delectable! OMG you got to try them!

Another easy nosh for parties or holiday appetizers are vegan meatballs! THESE ARE SO EASY and no one even knows they’re vegan. Every party or holiday, I make these and they are GONE! Vegan meatballs, cocktail sauce, and jelly. Boom. Done!

 This veggie casserole goes over well for the holidays, too. No one even questions if it is vegan or dairy free! Good one to share.

I also ALWAYS tote a fresh veggie tray with my homemade creamy cashew dip. To make the dip:  soak 3-4 cups of unsalted, raw cashews overnight in enough water to cover. Then drain, and blend them with red, yellow and orange peppers.  Add in some fresh garlic, one bunch of fresh cilantro, one lemon juiced, some Adobo (classic Puerto Rican seasoning), plus salt and pepper to taste. This dip is the bomb. Can be used as a dip or even drizzled on top of a salad, or spread in a wrap.

So don’t be discouraged when it comes to holidays, parties or special events. Accept you’ll need to bring your own food, and maybe you’ll end up making your family and friends healthier, at least for one day!

 The holidays are precious times, and it’s okay to indulge a bit, as long as you’re conscious of what you’re eating. You know me: right after Easter dinner, it is back to fasting, juices and raw foods. And if you didn’t know I am kicking off another #FruitsWithEvie challenge starting this coming Monday, April 5, 2021.

If you want some recipes for a juice cleanse download your free copy of Evie’s Enlivening Juice List featuring my enlightened list of juicing essentials plus some of my favorite recipes.