My 8 year journey getting fitter, stronger, and lifting 250 pounds

My nails. My glittery, blinged-out, inch-long talons had to go. That’s what the CrossFit Coach told me when I joined this powerhouse gym 8 years ago this month. That was just one of the many sacrifices I had to make to get in the strongest, fittest shape of my life. Was it worth it? Heck yah!

I’m telling my story not to brag, but to recount my journey in hopes of inspiring other women to get started today. You don’t need a CrossFit gym or any special set-up. Right now, what works for me is exercising at 4 a.m. in my garage gym, complete with my own Puerto Rican graffiti wall!  

It’s an exhilarating start to my day, followed by caring for my family and working a full-time job. I’m doing it for me. And by starting early, I’m not neglecting my husband and 2 kids. To the contrary: I’m giving them the best version of me.

I was always physically active, doing sports in high school and exercising regularly through college. I thought my fitness level was good. But at a local gym, I’d just wander lost, doing some machines, looking around and wondering what to do next. I was toned, but didn’t have much muscle. And I didn’t have a plan. I did not know anything about programming or nutrition.

I found about CrossFit when a friend posted pictures on social media of his amazing, cool fun workouts.  I was intrigued. I researched CrossFit, and it looked fun. I saw pictures of the elite athletes who did CrossFit, and I was OMG, I want to look like that!  

I had to learn to lift a barbell once I joined CrossFit. No machines; all my strength now. I wanted to look and feel badass, and felt like CrossFit gave me that vibe.

My first class wasn’t too hard. It was mainly educational, then the workout: a 500-meter row, 400-meter run outside (in a Chicagoland winter, but thankfully no snow), 30 sit-ups, 20 kettlebell swings, and 10 box jumps. It took about 20 minutes. The sweat poured out and I felt great.

The next day I started lifting weights, even though I was so sore for a few days. I continued the hour-long workouts, for about three to five times a week.

I’m a morning person, and would go to the 5:30 a.m. classes. At the time, I lived close to my gym, so I’d just prep my stuff the night before, then just wake up, wash my face, brush my teeth, and go. I always love starting the day with exercise.  It gets my mind right for the day, helps me make better food choices, gets my productivity on point, and makes me feel so good. I would look forward to my training every day, because it’s a chance for me to be better than I was the day before.  

Even through 2 pregnancies, I was able to continue CrossFit because I had trained for a few years and knew how to do it safely.

When I’m working out, I psych up myself, saying: Do better than yesterday. Never quit. You will never quit. You are not average. You have what it takes. Pick it up, get up, do it. I love being the best version of myself, and being physically and mentally strong. It’s so empowering. I’m addicted to that. Plus, the friendships I made with CrossFit friends are amazing; you’re connecting with others who are as passionate as you are. While my garage gym is great/convenient/no excuses for working out, I do miss being at a ‘box,’. But this is what works for me in this stage of my life right now.  

Need some extra motivation to get moving? Crank the music. The coaches would blast their playlist or use a spotify or pandora station. You know I am all about the 303, 808 & 909’s so I have techno bumping all the time. My fave track to get me going is: “Call it Techno” by Frankie Bones. It has a sick bassline and gets me going every time.

Compared to 8 years ago, I’m more fit than ever. I started noticing my definition forming in my legs, and really liked how much they were getting cut and strong. Then I started noticing my arms and back gaining definition. Now I can finally see more definition on my booty and stomach. I really want to get ab definition, and I have gained a lot of core strength over the past year. I train 5 days a week. This past December, I hit my personal deadlifting record of 250 pounds. I could not believe I got it and I was so hype! Hard work pays off!

I have never gotten injured, because I don’t use more weight than I should.  I’m watching my form, holding my breath, positioning my feet, placing my hands on the bar, and then going for it.

To boost my motivation, I started entering CF competitions 7 years ago. My goal for the 2021 CrossFit Open, is to place in the top 20% for my age group.  In addition to that, I’d love to make it to the podium at a competition in the future. I’ll continue to train, get more rest, and eat and drink as usual:  plenty of fruits and juice.  Less cooked foods, and all vegan.

My strength doesn’t just come from hard workouts. While I make progress through training and increased frequency, nutrition is key.  That’s why I’m a juice therapist.  I believe in the power of healthy food. I know the benefits of a juice cleanse. I know that juicing is healthy, I make juicing recipes for energy. Juice therapy is where it is at!  

I gotta admit, after 2 pregnancies, I was a little chubby about four years ago. Having 2 pregnancies in 2 years was crazy but awesome. I lost all my strength.  I was so soft, mushy, and had huge boobs and stomach after having both of them. I was all loose and stretched out. And with babies at home, I couldn’t get to CrossFit, so I made working out at home work.  I started off with a rower in the basement, and added more equipment to make my dream come true when I built The Rican HoxBox – my garage gym.

As of now, I have a full set up, and everything I need to keep lifting and getting stronger.  This includes a power rack, 3 barbells, plates, a ghd machine, bench, box, dumbbells, jump rope, and a 110-pound tire my husband gave me for Mother’s Day!

On the weekends, sometimes my daughters work out with me too.  I bought them some kids’ barbells and weights to get them going.  They see mama doing it, and they want to do it too.

My advice to all women, young and old, is to start small. Don’t say you can’t do it.  We all start somewhere. If you believe you can, you can. You’re never too old.  It’s never too late. You can do it. You can be the badass mom you want to be. Maybe you won’t have red-hot extra-long fingernails, but it won’t matter, as you’ll have so much more, including sky-high confidence and a kickin’ strong, healthy body.

You can have this too. If you’re sick and tired of feeling sick and tired, if you are overwhelmed and can’t find hours in the day to care for yourself, if you want to feel confident and comfortable in your body – just know that it’s possible and I’m here to help you.

Want to try juicing but not sure where to start? Download your free copy of Evie’s Enlivening Juice List featuring my enlightened list of juicing essentials plus some of my favorite recipes.