Recipes For A Juice Cleanse In The Winter

Doing a juice cleanse is so healthy for your immunity. You should do a cleanse four times a year, as the seasons change. I just finished up a seven-day cleanse. No solid foods for seven days just juice, fasting, coffee enemas, detoxing and cleansing out the cells on a molecular level. Check out my before and after pic! Seven days and look and what the body can do.

When you detox regularly it will boost your immunity. When doing a cleanse, know that you might have symptoms like lack of energy, headaches, aches, irritation, anxiety, and diarrhea, to name a few. Over the past year I have done a few cleanses and have found these juices are great for a cleanse. You can buy these ingredients in bulk then mix them up into different cleansing juices. 

1.     Spicy Purp Durp: 3 – 4 cups of Black Grapes : 1 Pineapple : Thumb of Ginger

Have you ever juiced black grapes? They are so rich and sweet. Combined with the pineapple for that perfect sweet blend. Then add in that ginger! Such a great immunity booster during the winter months and helps suppress coughs and clean mucus out while on a juicing cleanse.  The anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties in ginger can improve the immunity of the body. Consuming ginger tea or a ginger juice or shot on an empty stomach, in the morning, could keep away many diseases and strengthen the immune system. 

2.     Tropical Paradise: 3-4 cups of Guavas: 1 Pineapple : 3-4 Pears

This reminds me of a tropical drink when I was a kid. It truly tastes so tropical. Guavas are one of the richest sources of vitamin C. Guava fruit contains 4 times the vitamin C content present in oranges. Vitamin C helps improve immunity and protects you against common infections and pathogens. Pear juice is packed with vitamins, minerals and powerful components including vitamin C, potassium, copper, vitamin K, various B vitamins, anthocyanins, flavonols, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, and iron, as well as various other polyphenolic compounds and antioxidants. This is such a great recipe for a juice cleanse. It has that perfect sweetness to help curb those cravings.   

3.     Orange Sorbet:  2 Cantaloupes

Cantaloupe Juice by itself! Wow. This truly tastes like orange sorbet. Not only does it taste amazing, but it is so good for your skin! If there was ever a well-kept secret, it would have to be how golden cantaloupe juice is for your skin. It contains the perfect mix of vitamins to rejuvenate and regenerate your skin leaving it well hydrated, happy and looking youthful. Cantaloupe juice has a high content of Vitamins A, B, C, E and K. Vitamin A boosts skin regeneration while vitamin C promotes the formation of collagen. Vitamins B, E and K, keep the skin happy and rejuvenated for that soft youthful glow. In addition to that the folic acid also promotes cell regeneration and counters aging by keeping wrinkles at bay and maintaining the skins elasticity.

As a Juice Therapist, I can tell you these juices are great for a juice cleanse and juice therapy. These fruits can be purchased in bulk and you can make a few days worth at a low budget friendly cost. These are juicing recipes for energy and detoxing as well so they will give your immunity that extra boost and you will feel great.

Ready to juice? Download your free copy of Evie’s Enlivening Juice List featuring my enlightened list of juicing essentials plus some of my favorite recipes.