Exploring Alternative Approaches to Breast Health: Beyond Mammograms

October is breast cancer awareness month, a time that reminds us of the importance of regular mammograms. Mammograms are widely recommended for women over 40, but I have never gotten one and never will. 

3 Reasons I’ve Never Had a Mammogram

There are several reasons why I choose not to get one and opt for other methods of maintaining my breast health instead. 

Radiation Exposure

The main reason I avoid getting mammograms is because they involve radiation exposure. Mammograms use radiation to create images, potentially increasing the risk of developing breast cancer in some women.

This risk may be higher for younger women or those with a family history of breast cancer.

False Positives 

One factor influencing my choice is the high rate of false positives in mammograms. 

False positives can cause unnecessary worry and stress, leading to further invasive procedures and potentially harmful treatments if not correctly diagnosed.

The Big pHARMa Propaganda

I firmly believe that mammograms are part of big pHARMa's propaganda. While I respect every individual's right to choose what's best for their health, I opt not to get one. 

My belief stems from countless hours of research and reading, which suggests that the longer you breastfeed, the lower your chances of developing breast cancer.

Alternative Methods of Maintaining Breast Health

While mammograms have been the standard screening method for breast cancer, there are alternative approaches that may be beneficial for some women. These include:

 Clinical Breast Exam (CBE)

• A CBE is a physical examination of the breast performed by a healthcare professional.

• This can be done annually as part of a routine physical exam or if symptoms are present.

• CBEs are as effective as mammograms for detecting tumors in women with dense breasts.

Breast Self-Exam (BSE)

• Regular self-exams can help women become more familiar with their breast tissue and any changes that may occur.

• While BSEs are not recommended as a stand-alone screening method, they can be useful in conjunction with CBEs or other screenings.

• Women should consult with their healthcare provider to learn the proper BSE technique.


• Thermography uses infrared imaging to detect changes in breast tissue that may indicate abnormalities.

• This method is non-invasive and does not use radiation, making it safer for women who may be concerned about exposure.

Thermograms, ultrasounds, and regular self-exams are alternative methods of maintaining breast health. These options do not involve radiation exposure, offer similar accuracy in detecting abnormalities, and allow individual choice. 

Holistic Health Journey

Every person's body and health journey differ. You want to find what works best for you and to monitor regularly for any changes or abnormalities. 

Even without regular mammograms, there are numerous ways to maintain breast health. As a certified just therapist and fitness enthusiast, I believe that healthy habits and an active lifestyle can significantly reduce the risk of developing breast cancer. 

Maintaining overall health, including breast health, can be achieved through:

• Regular exercise 

• A well-balanced diet abundant in fruits and vegetables

• Avoidance of alcohol and smoking

• Maintaining a healthy weight

• Reducing stress levels 

My Favorite Healthy Juice Recipe: 

This recipe is delicious and packed with essential nutrients and antioxidants that can help fight cancer-causing free radicals in the body. 

ABC Breast Cancer Fighting Juice


2 apples

2 beetroots

2 carrots

1 thumb of ginger (helps with nausea)


• Add all the ingredients to your juicer.

• Enjoy immediately for the best taste and maximum nutrient benefits.

Each ingredient in the ABC Breast Cancer Fighting Juice Recipe has specific health benefits, making this drink a potent health promoter. 

• Apples are rich in antioxidants, which can combat free radicals that lead to cell damage and cancer. They also contain dietary fiber, which aids in maintaining gut health and regulating blood sugar levels. 

• Beetroots are known for their high levels of betalains, natural compounds that provide anti-inflammatory and antioxidant benefits. They also contain nitrates that help to lower blood pressure and enhance physical performance. 

• Carrots are loaded with beta-carotene, an antioxidant that gives carrots their bright orange color and can protect against certain types of cancer. They are also a good source of vitamins A, K, and B6. 

• Lastly, Ginger is a powerhouse of nutrients and bioactive compounds. It has been proven to have anti-nausea, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant effects, potentially lowering the risk of chronic diseases like cancer. 

These ingredients pack a powerful punch, making ABC Juice a tasty beverage and an excellent addition to a healthy, cancer-prevention-focused diet.

The Benefits of Using the Namawell J2 Juicer

If you're a fan of fresh, nutrient-rich juices, the Namawell J2 Juicer is a game-changer. This juicer extracts juice efficiently, ensuring you reap maximum nutritional benefits from your fruits and vegetables. 

The Namawell J2 Juicer is easy to use and clean, saving precious time in your busy day. The slow masticating process is gentle on the ingredients, ensuring that essential vitamins and enzymes are preserved. This means every glass of juice you make is a powerhouse of health benefits. 

If you're interested, use the discount code EVIE10 to save $55 on your purchase. Get this remarkable machine and start your journey towards a healthier lifestyle today.

Final Thoughts… 

Maintaining one's health, especially breast health, isn't solely about traditional screenings like mammograms. It involves a holistic approach combining regular self-examinations, alternative screening methods, and lifestyle changes, including a healthy diet and regular exercise. 

Remember, the path to health is personal and varies for everyone, and it's essential to find what works best for you. Enjoy a healthy lifestyle, that delicious ABC juice, and experience the difference it makes in your life. Happy health journey!