Free Juicing Recipes for Children with ADHD

Does using natural remedies to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) or attention deficit disorder (ADD) sound appealing? Many parents are turning to juice therapy as an alternative to traditional medications for ADHD and ADD.

The adverse effects of medications like Ritalin, Adderall, and other stimulants have led many parents to seek out healthy alternatives. Juicing can help children with ADHD or ADD because it provides the body with essential vitamins and minerals that support the nervous system.

What Is Juicing for ADHD?

Juicing for ADHD involves consuming freshly made organic fruit and vegetable juices made from ingredients like:

  • carrots

  • spinach

  • kale

  • apples

  • celery

You can improve brain function by providing your body with abundant nutrients from these vegetables.

Diet And Nutrition Impact on ADHD Symptoms

Nutrition affects the ADHD brain. Juicing provides a concentrated dose of vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients that can help alleviate ADHD symptoms like:

  • hyperactivity

  • impulsivity

  • inattention

With regular juicing and a balanced diet, you may be able to reduce ADHD and ADD symptoms and medication dosages over time.

Some of the best ingredients to include in juice recipes include:

- Beets: Beets are high in nitrates, converted to nitric oxide in the body. Nitric oxide helps increase blood flow to the brain and may improve focus and concentration.

- Leafy Greens: Dark leafy greens like spinach, collards, and kale are loaded with magnesium, iron, and vitamin B6, which help support brain health and focus.

- Berries: Berries, especially blueberries, are high in antioxidants that protect the brain and reduce inflammation. Berries also provide fiber and natural sugars to boost energy and mood.

- Citrus: Oranges, grapefruit, and other citrus fruits provide vitamin C, which helps support the adrenal glands and immune system. Citrus can help reduce stress and improve concentration and mental stamina.

- Ginger: Ginger is a natural stimulant to help boost alertness and focus. It also has potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects on the brain and overall health.

The nutrients and minerals in fresh fruit and vegetable juices can help improve focus, concentration, and mood.

Detoxing Juice Recipe for Kids with ADHD

Green juice is very nutritious, but getting your kids to drink it may be challenging. You can make it tasty by adding some fruit to the mix.

Note: The Namawell J2 juicer is the best and easiest juicer for making these juices.

Here are 3 detoxing juice recipes for kids with ADHD:

The Super Green Monster recipe:

2 green apples

1 cucumber

2 stalks of celery

1 cup spinach

1/2 lemon

1/2-inch ginger root


Combine all ingredients in a juicer and juice according to the manufacturer's directions. Serve chilled over ice if desired.

The Just Beet It recipe:

2 oranges

1 cup blueberries

1 beet

1/2 cucumber


Combine all ingredients in a juicer and juice according to the manufacturer's directions.

The Swiss Squad detox recipe (my favorite):

-1 bunch of Swiss chard and stems

-2 cups of kale, spinach, or a combo of both

-2 pears

-2 c. strawberries

-1 lemon (helps cleanse the body)

-2 red apples


Combine all ingredients in the Nama J2 juicer (remember to load your greens first) and juice. Pour into glasses and serve.

These detoxing juice recipes are naturally sweet and refreshing. They also provide nutrition that supports and boosts brain function for brain health.

Serve these juices 1-2 times daily to help reduce ADHD symptoms and improve focus in kids.

Why I Use Nama J2 Juicer

The J2 Juicer by Namawell is a cold-press machine that extracts the maximum amount of nutrients and minerals from fruits and vegetables.

I've been using the Nama J2 juicer for years because it produces high-quality juice with minimal prep work and is easy to clean.

You can use my promo code EVIE10 to save 10% off your purchase of the J2 or J1 juicer.

I like adding fresh, uncut fruit and vegetables to the Namawell J2 hopper for the best results. Whole fruits and vegetables will produce the highest-quality juice with maximum nutrition and flavor.

Fresh organic juice can be a great way to improve the symptoms of ADHD and ADD in kids. Juicing provides vital nutrients that help boost concentration, focus, and overall well-being.

Be sure to include organic vegetables such as leafy greens, root vegetables like beets and carrots, citrus fruits, berries, and ginger for maximum nutritional benefits.

Regular juicing gives your child the nourishment they need to stay focused and healthy. If you need help, let’s start a conversation. I’m here for you.