Juice cleanse for weight loss

Are you ready to lose weight (and feel your best) with a juice cleanse?

A juice cleanse helps you reset bad habits and feel lighter, brighter, and more motivated to eat well—for life!

Pants feeling a little tight lately? 

When you’re chronically tired, dehydrated, and caught in a cycle of bad eating that leaves you feeling stuck and stressed out, shedding unwanted pounds can feel almost impossible.  

Sure, crash diets deliver quick wins, but those lost pounds always reappear (and then some) when you return to eating-as-usual. But, it’s those less-than-optimal food choices and habits that lead us down an unhealthy path of chronic fatigue, steady weight gain, and just more bad food choices.

Why juicing is a better way to lose weight.

To start, fresh juices are naturally low in calories. More than that, replacing processed food, empty carbs, and unhealthy fats with fresh juice delivers compounding benefits that maximize both your weight loss and well-being.

For example, raw fresh juice has a high concentration of essential vitamins, enzymes, and phytonutrients that are easily absorbed by your body. As a result, your digestive tract gets a much-needed break and, just as good, your body can redirect the energy it would have spent digesting food toward elimination, detoxing, and cellular repair. 

Doesn’t a juice cleanse make you hungry?

Raw fresh juices also deliver a serious dose of alkaline hydration, which helps curb your hunger in a few ways. 

When your body is hydrated and your pH is optimally balanced, it can work efficiently to heal, metabolize fat, and deliver nutrients to your cells. As a result, you’ll naturally have more energy and fewer cravings for unhealthy quick-energy snacks.

Tip: When you’re hungry, reach for water first. Often, we mistake thirst for hunger! 

How to start a juice cleanse.

If this is your first experience with juicing, start with a 3 to 5-day cleanse. For a week beforehand, eat only raw fruit, vegetables, and nuts to smooth your transition to juicing and minimize any discomfort you might experience at the start of your detox.

Below are some basic guidelines:

  • Consume 16–32 oz of juice every 2 hours to keep your body nourished and hydrated. 

  • Sip (don’t chug) your juice for optimal enzyme activation and nutrient absorption.

  • Drink at least 16 oz of distilled water between juices.

  • Avoid caffeine, alcohol, cigarettes, drugs, or other toxins.

When transitioning back to solid food, start with small portions of fresh fruit, vegetables, and nuts for half the length of your cleanse. For example, after a 4-day juice cleanse eat fresh raw foods for at least 2 days.

Ready to keep losing with continued juicing?

There’s no doubt that a juice cleanse can jumpstart weight loss, but it’s also an opportunity to reset to a healthier lifestyle. More than that, juicing transforms not just how we look but how we feel, from the inside out. 

After your cleanse, keep the good vibes going by committing to your wellness and switching to a plant-based diet, even for a few days a week. As well, make fresh juice a part of your daily routine.  

When you do, you’ll radiate a happy, healthy glow that, for me, is the essence of true beauty. Don’t you deserve to look and feel as beautiful as you truly are? I believe you do!

Ready to juice? Download your free copy of Evie’s Enlivening Juice List featuring my enlightened list of juicing essentials plus some of my favorite recipes.