3 Reasons Why You Need to Drink Fresh Juice Daily

Starting your day with raw, fresh juice will change how you look, feel, and move through life. Here’s how. 

“Is juicing healthy?” As a juice therapist, that’s the question I hear most often. My answer is always, “Yes!” 

Adding fresh juice to your daily routine is one of those small changes that, over time, adds up to huge gains in both your health and happiness. Fresh juice delivers a huge dose of phytonutrients, age-busting antioxidants, and super-charged enzymes that help your body function optimally so you can move through life with greater ease. 

 It also tastes great. What’s not to love? 

Here are three ways that drinking fresh juice daily changes your life:

1. Juicing helps you look (and feel) lighter.

Juicing is a great way to kickstart weight loss, but did you know that replacing your morning meal with a serving of fresh juice can help maintain a healthy weight? Fresh juice is naturally low in calories, so swapping a breakfast full of empty carbs and unhealthy fats with fresh juice will always help your waistline.  

Fresh juice also delivers a huge dose of alkaline hydration alongside its nutritional benefits, and when your body is properly hydrated, you feel more energized and better able to resist the temptation of poor food choices later in your day. 

Remember to sip—not chug—your juice for maximum enzyme activation and nutrient absorption. As an added bonus, sipping your juice keeps you feeling full.

2: Juicing gives you energy to do the things you love.

Drinking fresh juice starts your day with a serious boost of nourishing energy that keeps you going all day. That means you can ditch the coffee, which just spikes your adrenals and sets you up for a mid-day crash. 

Nutrition experts recommend we get at least 6–8 servings of fresh fruits and vegetables daily, and consuming fresh juice is an easy (and delicious) way to meet your nutritional needs.

More than that, juice is also detoxifying and anti-inflammatory, which means it helps your body to heal and fight disease. 

A morning juice also extends the benefits of an overnight fast by giving our digestive systems a longer break from solid good. As a result, our body can redirect that saved energy toward detoxification and cellular repair.  

Over time, you’ll feel lighter, healthier, and have the energy you need to do the things you want, whether that’s chasing your dream career or keeping up with your kids. 

3: Juicing gives you a more positive outlook on life.

Drinking fresh juice daily delivers healing nourishment that compounds into big shifts over time. It can help you achieve a healthy weight, feel and look better, and promote a deep sense of well-being that makes moving through life more joyful.

Juicing is about more than nutrition, though, because a juicing habit doesn’t just change what you do, it also changes who you are. Fresh juice is a living food that infuses your mind and spirit with a higher vibration that supports an inner harmony and opens doors of possibility.

Plus, drinking fresh juice daily just puts you in a good mood. Who wouldn’t want to start the day like that?   

Ready to juice? Download your free copy of Evie’s Enlivening Juice List featuring my enlightened list of juicing essentials plus some of my favorite recipes.