Posts tagged biophotons
Plant-based diet pairs best with juicing

You might ask “Is juicing healthy?” Juice therapy can aide in the fight of diseases caused from animal-based products. “Whether you’re considering eating less meat or giving it up entirely, the benefits are clear: less risk of disease and improved health and well-being,” the AHA says. “Specifically, less meat decreases the risk of heart disease, stroke, obesity, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, type 2 diabetes, and many cancers.”

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3 Reasons Why You Need to Drink Fresh Juice Daily

Adding fresh juice to your daily routine is one of those small changes that, over time, adds up to huge gains in both your health and happiness. Fresh juice delivers a huge dose of phytonutrients, age-busting antioxidants, and super-charged enzymes that help your body function optimally so you can move through life with greater ease.

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Juice cleanse for weight loss

Pants feeling a little tight lately?

When you’re chronically tired, dehydrated, and caught in a cycle of bad eating that leaves you feeling stuck and stressed out, shedding unwanted pounds can feel almost impossible.

Sure, crash diets deliver quick wins, but those lost pounds always reappear (and then some) when you return to eating-as-usual. But, it’s those less-than-optimal food choices and habits that lead us down an unhealthy path of chronic fatigue, steady weight gain, and just more bad food choices.

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