The Benefits Of A Juice Cleanse

Ready to try a juice cleanse

Bloated? Irritated bowels? Sensitive stomach? Let me tell you about the benefits of a juice cleanse! A juice cleanse can help reset your gut.

When you drink only cold pressed, raw juice, you greatly reduce the amount of input and stress that your gut experiences. This gives your body the time to heal and recharge, while also taking in essential vitamins and phytonutrients. What does that mean? Here’s what happens when you try a juice cleanse for the first time.

The basics of a juice cleanse

If you are a first timer you would probably start with three days. After time you work your way up to a full ten days, four times a year. You do NOT consume any solid foods while doing a cleanse. Some people call this a #SFV solid food vacation. You will drink juice for all meals for three to ten days.  

What happens when you do a juice cleanse?

Within the first two days you’ll start to feel a wave of difference in your energy. The benefits of a juice cleanse include flooding your body with nutrients in their natural state creating a lasting, clean energy; not the ups and downs and crashes we can get from coffee and sugar. With cold pressed juice, the enzymes and nutrients are free from fiber allowing them to be quickly absorbed into your body. Give it 15-20 minutes and you should be feeling an amazing boost after each juice.You will start noticing a difference within just two days but after a week you will feel LIGHTER, brighter, happier, enlightened, less bloated and truly ENERGIZED! 

My personal experience with juice cleanses

When I first heard about the benefits of a  juice cleanse I thought sure I could try this. I was somewhat new to juicing and did not know what I know now. For example, I didn’t know that to increase the benefits, you need to use raw foods prior and after the cleanse. 

I knew I would have some detox symptoms, and I did. Detox symptoms include breaking out, headaches, pooping a lot, and decrease in energy levels to name a few.

Overall, I was so impressed by the benefits of a juice cleanse. I felt great afterwards. I was so shocked that JUICE could do this to me! I was so intrigued by the process of a cleanse. I wanted to know more.

When should you do a juice cleanse?

The benefits of a juice cleanse work year-round, and consistently if you repeat the process multiple times throughout the year. As I learn more about juicing, I’m always so amazed by what it can do for a person. You should do a juicing cleanse four times a year for the best results, and typically people like to cleanse as the seasons change.

If you’re new to juicing, start small. You can start out with a 3-day cleanse to see the benefits, and work your way up to a full 10-day cleanse eventually up to 4 times a year.

This is so amazing for your body. You detox and rejuvenate your cells at the same time! 

Enjoy all the benefits of a juice cleanse

Want to get all the benefits of a juice cleanse? Here’s a few tips to prepare your body and reap the most reward from your next juice cleanse.

1. Start eating raw food, fruits, nuts, and vegetables a week before your cleanse.

2. Drink a juice around every two hours to keep your body nourished with live nutrients.

3. Sipping, not chugging, will allow for enzyme activation and maximum nutrient absorption. Do NOT chug the juice. 

4. Drinking 16 oz of water in between juices should help you stay hydrated. 

5. CrossFit, walking, jogging, yoga, pilates, or any other type of exercise is excellent while doing a cleanse. Sweat releases toxins and is part of the detox process.

6. Avoid caffeine, coffee, alcohol, cigarettes, and drugs. Avoiding toxins is key to maximizing the full benefits of your juice cleanse.

7. Break your cleanse with raw fruits, vegetables, salads, nuts, and avocados. Continue to drink juice as you introduce solid food. 

Are you ready to try a juice cleanse?

These are just some of the benefits of a juice cleanse. As far as what do expect? Everyone is different and will experience different results. Some may find it easy peasy while others find it a bit more challenging. Some may lose a lot of weight while others may not. The important thing to remember is that you are giving your body a deep cleaning by flushing out toxins while nourishing it with live nutrient and enzyme-rich juice. In short, you improve your overall health with a simple juice cleanse.

If you want to incorporate homemade juices into your diet, but don’t know where to start, download my free shopping list below!

Ready to get your juice glow? I’m here to help you. Download Evie’s FREE Enlighted E-Guide. We’ll discuss your goals, your challenges and how juicing can help.