Vacations: Don't Let It Sabotage Your Health & Wellness

Going on vacation is a time-honored tradition, and it's a time to relax, recharge, and explore new places. But it can also be when your healthy habits go out the window.

If you're not careful, you can quickly gain weight or fall out of your routine while on vacation. Let me give you some tips for staying on track with your nutrition and workouts while on vacation.

Planning is key, so do as much prep work as possible before you leave.

Going on vacation should be a time to relax and enjoy yourself, not a time to stress about staying on track with your health goals. However, if you're not careful, it can be easy to let your healthy habits slip while you're away from home.

Thankfully, you can take a few simple steps to ensure you stay on track with your nutrition and workouts while on vacation. The most important thing is to plan as much as possible before you leave.

Take Your Diet with You

Planning will help you make better choices while you're on the go and make it more likely that you'll stick to your healthy habits. Make sure to pack plenty of healthy snacks; your workout gear will help you stay active while you're away.

If you're traveling by car, pack a cooler with healthy snacks and meals, so you're not tempted to stop at fast-food restaurants. And if you're flying, bring along some snacks that will tie you over until you can find a healthy meal.

Healthy snacks like organic fruits and vegetables, trail mix, or whole-wheat crackers keep your energy and hunger at bay. I will also make protein balls or bars and freshly squeezed organic juice to have as snacks. I must bring many healthy snacks because nobody likes a hangry Puerto Rican.

Depending on the type of vacation, I can easily juice in bulk with my favorite cold-press juicer, pop it in the cooler, and bring it with me. My juice recipes for energy are an excellent way to ensure I'm getting my nutrients, even when I can't eat as healthily as I would like.

Another great way to eat healthy while on vacation is to find a local grocery store or market and stock up on healthy foods, which is especially helpful if you're staying in a place with a kitchen so you can cook some of your meals.

Water is Vital

Drink your water. Dehydration can lead to fatigue and make it harder to stay active, so drink plenty of water throughout the day. Traveling tends to dehydrate you, so staying hydrated is especially important if you're going on a long trip.

Staying hydrated will also help you avoid overeating, as thirst is often mistaken for hunger.

Don't Let Vacation Derail Your Workouts

Just because you're on vacation doesn't mean your workouts have to take a holiday too. Getting in a good workout can help offset all the extra calories you'll be consuming while away.

Whenever possible, I try to stick to my routine of working out first thing in the morning and eating healthy meals throughout the day. But sometimes, when I'm traveling or busy, that's not always possible. I take advantage of any opportunity to be active, like walking instead of taking a taxi or bus or taking advantage of the hotel fitness center or pool.

There are so many ways to get your fitness in a while on vacation. As a member of the Professor Project, they email my weekly training program. Now, I can take my fitness routine and do them anywhere with little or no equipment.

Yes, even this certified juice therapist uses coaches and trainers.

I also pack my workout gear to squeeze in a workout. I like to bring along a yoga mat, some resistance bands, and a jump rope to get a quick workout at the hotel or a rest stop.

That's why it's important to be flexible and ensure you're still getting some workout even when you can't stick to your usual routine.

Make Smart Choices When Eating Out

Eating out is one of the best parts of vacation, but it can also be one of the biggest challenges when trying to stay healthy. If you're not careful, you can easily consume more calories than you would at home.

As a vegan and certified juice therapist, I'm pretty good at finding healthy options when eating out. I like to research restaurant menus in advance, so I know where I can find a good meal.

It's also important to pay attention to portion sizes since restaurants fill a big plate with lots of food. It's easy to overeat.

Finally, try to balance indulging in some local cuisines and maintaining a healthy diet. With a bit of planning and effort, it's easy to stay on track with your health goals while enjoying everything that vacation offers.

Then when I get home, I like to do a juice cleanse. Traveling can be hard on your body and your immune system, so I find that a juice cleanse is a great way to reset and recharge. You can get my shopping list and my fave juice combos here if you want to improve your health or try a juice cleanse for the first time.