PMS Pains: Painful Periods Need Powerful Juices

It's that time of the month again, ladies. If you find yourself with cramps so bad you can't walk, bloating that makes you wear stretchy pants, and crabbiness that makes you want to crawl in a cave for a week, then juice therapy might sound like a great solution to your problems.

How would you like to find relief for your PMS pains AND have an environmental impact on our world? I'd like to share something that I'm very passionate about - juice therapy and the DivaCup.

Let's start with, what is juice therapy? Juice therapy is exactly what it sounds like: using juices to help treat an illness or condition. In this case, we're using juice to help ease the pain of menstrual cramps. The benefits of juice therapy are limited in calories and high in nutrients and antioxidants, increasing your energy levels.  

It is also a great way to detox your body.

There are lots of recipes for juice cleanses out there, but here's one that might help ease those PMS pains:

Ingredients: always opt for organic fruits and vegetables

- 6 large carrots – must-have diuretic for bloating and water retention

- 4 large celery stalks - also a diuretic and anti-inflammatory

- 3 apples - excellent natural laxative

- 1 lemon - antibacterial and anti-fungal (helps to fight acne)

- a piece of ginger (add last) - anti-inflammatory and proven to fight menstrual cramps


Juice all ingredients in your juicer, adding the ginger last. This recipe makes roughly 45 oz., so you'll want to divide it into several airtight containers to drink over a three-day timeframe. There may be separation, but you can shake it and drink it.

Many juice recipes are specifically designed to help with menstrual cramps and bloating. The benefits of a juice cleanse during your menstrual cycle are that you're getting all the nutrients your body needs while also flushing out any toxins. Not to mention, juice therapy is a great way to relax and de-stress.

Now, about the DivaCup and an impactful way to be eco-conscious. Look, disposable period products are a literal pain in the ass, cost a ridiculous amount of money, and are such a burden on our landfills.  In addition to that, did you know that most cotton crops are sprayed with glyphosate? Glyphosate is a toxic pesticide widely used on crops. The active ingredient in Monsanto’s Roundup, and again it is sprayed on cotton crops as well, so think about that. You are inserting toxic chemicals right into your vagina if you are using regular tampons.

The DivaCup is a reusable menstrual cup that you can wear for up to 12 hours. The medical-grade silicone hypoallergenic cup doesn't contain latex or BPA and has no added chemicals or toxins. Not only does it cut down on the number of disposable products you use each month and also save you up to $100 a year.

How amazing is that?

A little DivaCup history for you: the company was founded in 2003 by two women looking for an alternative to disposable period products. They wanted something better for their bodies and the environment, so they created a product that is both. The DivaCup is now sold in over 60 countries and has helped save millions of disposable period products from landfills. Their stewardship and advocacy for the people and the environment are so inspiring.

I know firsthand how much juice therapy and using a DivaCup can help with menstrual cramps because I do both! Not only have my symptoms been reduced, but I'm also doing something positive for our environment by reducing the number of disposable period products that end up in landfills every month.

If you want to know more about the benefits of a juice cleanse or healthy and nutritious juice recipes, check out Evie’s Enlivening Juice List.