6 Positive Ways to Stay Motivated All Winter

Winter is a time of year that often brings a sense of fatigue and laziness. The days are shorter, the temperatures are colder, and there's usually a lot of snow on the ground. It can be tough to stay motivated during winter, but it's not impossible.

The first step in making your winter months productive is to set yourself up for success. This means putting good systems and habits into place that will keep you on track when the cold weather sets in. Most of these should be well-established by now, but winter is a great time to revisit your routines and see what you can improve.

Is your morning routine firing on all cylinders?

I love getting up at 4:07 a.m. to workout in my home gym in the warmth of my garage. I removed all obstacles and excuses so that I could be successful. It's so easy to hit that snooze button and roll over, but I really love my routine. I'm excited to get up, have a great workout to start my day. I feel accomplished, and it gets me physically active before my kids are even out of bed.

6 Tips to help you build a routine that keeps you motivated all winter:

-Discipline is key. Make sure your habits are well-established and that you're following through on them every day. This will be the foundation of your success during the winter months.

-Summer bodies are made in the winter. Don't use the cold weather as an excuse to be lazy. If you take care of yourself during the winter months, your body will look and feel great when the summer comes around.

-No excuses. This is my favorite one because I'm guilty of using them far too much in the past. No matter what happens outside, always have a backup plan to help you stay on track.

-Love the routine. When you love what you're doing, it's easy to stick with it no matter what. Find something in your daily routine that brings you joy, and look forward to doing it every day. This could be anything from reading a chapter of your favorite book before bed to planning out your workout for the next day.

-Great start to the day. I can't stress this enough. Make sure you always have something productive planned right after you wake up in the morning. This will help set a positive tone throughout your day and keep you motivated all winter long.

-Workout completed, yay! This one is self-explanatory. Finishing your workout is a great feeling, and it will help keep you on track for the rest of the day.

Are you still hitting your daily nutritional goals?

It's all too easy to let bad habits take over in the winter, but it's just as easy to stick to your guns if you have a plan. Make sure you're still drinking a healthy organic juice daily for energy and antioxidants, packing healthy snacks for when you're on the go, and cooking nutritious plant-based dinners at home.

I love my daily juice, it really sets the tone for the day. I know that if I drink a healthy organic juice (rich in antioxidants) and complete an early morning workout, I'm going to make good choices all day long.

My bonus tip to motivate and inspire you…

It might be harder to get yourself to the gym when it's cold outside, but that doesn't mean you should give up on your fitness goals. If anything, it might be a good time to switch things up and try out some new workouts.

There are plenty of great at-home exercises programs out there (you can even find some for free on YouTube), so there's no excuse not to get moving. Try a HIIT workout, yoga video, or even just pushups and squats in front of the TV.

Putting these systems into place will help keep you accountable and on track, but it's important that you also find ways to enjoy winter. Embrace the cold weather by going skiing, skating, or snowboarding. Make a snowman, build a snow fort in the backyard, or go for a long walk.

No more excuses. The winter months are a great time to build up your motivation and make some changes that will help you throughout the rest of this season. Stay disciplined and motivated, and you'll be well on your way to reaching all your fitness goals.

If you want to know more about the benefits of a juice cleanse during the winter months or healthy and nutritious juice recipes, check out Evie's Enlivening Juice List.