Prepping for success for the back-to-school drill

It’s back!  Many parents are counting the days until their kids start a new school in person again.  While it’s great to be back to the routine, we’ll miss some of the advantages of home schooling.  And some parents are deciding to continue schooling at home.

Whichever option you choose, here are some ideas to transition from summer to school, to make this school year the best ever. 

As a full-time working mom of two young children, I know the demands are real.  There will be new schedules for everyone.  Chances are, many parents will be returning to in-person work too.  Lots of changes; lots of opportunities to start some fresh traditions. 

This is a great time to set new goals for the upcoming school year.  If being on-time has routinely been a challenge for your kids, establish new and easy systems to boost success.  And it all starts with bedtime. 

As you may have read before, I get up every day at 4:07 a.m. to workout in my home gym.  So I need to get to bed early myself.  I aim to be in bed my 10 p.m. every night.  My kids need to be ready to sleep by 8 p.m.  When that happens, the next day is easier for everyone.

If summertime bedtimes were relaxed, start gradually to have the kids go to bed earlier.  Maybe two weeks before school starts, move up bedtime by just 15 minutes earlier each night until you’re where you need to be.  And we’ve all heard the importance of no electronics about an hour before bedtime, as the stimulation interferes with good sleep patterns.  Consider removing the devices from the bedroom to avoid any temptation.

Before we’re ready for bed, we’ll set out our clothes for the morning.  Not a big/original idea, but it works. I prep breakfast and lunches, so grabbing and going in the morning is as stress-free as possible.  We leave some extra time for unexpected issues, such as a new loose tooth or spilled juice. No nagging required!

Some people find that making age-appropriate charts with photos can help kids remember the steps needed each morning.

In addition to new routines for the kids, what about yourself? Are you willing to get up a little earlier and work on yourself this year? This Juice Therapist is here to encourage you to start your day with some fresh juice for you, not only for you but your kids too! There are plenty of juicing recipes for energy on my blog, so make sure to check those out if you want to learn more about that or more about a juice cleanse. You can even get some recipes for a juice cleanse! So let’s get healthy and energized and ready to crush it this school year.

With that being said, remember that celebratory high-five and hug before everyone heads to where they need to be. Let’s get it and have an awesome new school year!

If you are ready to feel energized, then download your free copy of Evie’s Enlivening Juice List featuring my enlightened list of juicing essentials plus some of my favorite recipes.