What Makes Smoothies, Juices, And Nice Cream Different From Each Other?

Is there really a difference between smoothies and juices? Aren't they just blended foods you drink with a straw or pour into a glass?

Not quite. There is a big difference between these, and I will explain what makes each unique.


Juices make use of an extraction process that removes nearly all the pulp (fiber) from fruits and vegetables. A common misconception is that juices are healthier than smoothies because they do not contain fiber. The juicing process typically starts with fresh whole fruits and vegetables, which are pressed or crushed to release their liquid content, then filtered through a fine mesh filter and stored in a glass container.

 Juice cleanses are popular because they allow people to consume 5–7 servings of fruit and vegetables in a day, which is the recommended daily intake. The absorption rate into the bloodstream on an empty stomach is typically 15 minutes, compared to whole fruits and vegetables that take up to 3-4 hours for absorption into the bloodstream.


Smoothies contain whole fruit or vegetable, and they do not have any pulp. Blended smoothies have fiber, which slows down their digestion compared to juices, so they keep you feeling fuller for longer periods. Other additions such as protein powder, nuts, and seeds add even more nutrients. 

Smoothies are a great way to incorporate more fruits and vegetables into your diet. They are also an excellent option for people on the go who don't have time to sit down, chew their food thoroughly, and enjoy it.

Smoothies are typically blended with fruits or vegetables that have already been peeled and sliced into smaller pieces. Unlike juices, which require extracting all the liquid content, smoothies leave the fiber in fruits and vegetables. Smoothies are also often thick enough to eat with a spoon if desired. These drinks make a great afternoon snack and are easy to keep in the freezer and thaw out later.

You can enjoy a smoothie immediately after preparing, or it can also be poured into popsicle molds for a healthy frozen treat any time of year. 

Nice cream

In recent years, a new type of frozen treat has emerged: nice cream--a creamy blend of frozen bananas and other ingredients such as fruit, peanut butter, chocolate, and more. Whether you call it nice cream or ice cream, we see no shame in enjoying this guilt-free treat daily!

This is a great way to eat your frozen banana and feel satisfied with these tasty treats. Nice cream is like smoothies but made with frozen bananas instead of fresh. When blended, the sugars in ripe bananas are transformed into a soft-serve ice-cream texture while retaining all their nutritional value. "Nice" cream recipes often incorporate other healthy ingredients such as nuts, seeds, berries, nut butters, etc.

In conclusion, smoothies contain fiber and can be eaten with a spoon, while juices do not contain fiber and are best when drank right away. Finally, nice cream is a healthy alternative to dairy ice cream made from frozen bananas instead of fresh ones.

If you want to know more about the benefits of a juice cleanse during the winter months or healthy and nutritious juice recipes, check out Evie's Enlivening Juice List.