3 tips to navigating farmers’ markets

It’s 5 a.m. on a summer Saturday, and many farmers are already on the road with their freshly harvested strawberries, tomatoes, and corn, heading to various farmers markets to unload their haul.  By selling directly to consumers, farmers are eliminating the middleman for more profits, and customers are benefitting by enjoying super fresh produce.

Some shoppers may feel that prices are higher than supermarkets.  But the Northeast Organic Farming Association of Vermont studied and compared prices, and found that farmers’ markets were comparable, on average, to supermarket prices.  This study was reported in The Huffington Post, which also said that for organic products, farmers’ markets are “actually cheaper on average than grocery stores.”

The Huff Post also noted that most conventional food travels “more than 1,500 miles before it reaches your plate.” Your farmers’ market food choices likely came from farms closer to home.  And you may even get to meet your farmer who raised that emerald green asparagus, glossy blackberries, or heavily fragrant cantaloupes.

The farmers’ markets are also great ways to see what’s in season. This is a great way to stock up on fruit at a good price. If you are doing a juice cleanse make a list of your recipes for your juice cleanse and then get those for juicing recipes for energy and start that juice therapy!  

Savvy shoppers share how to get the most out of your farmers’ markets:

1.Go as soon as they open, for the freshest choices.  Farmers bring a limited amount of produce, and once it’s gone, it’s gone.

2.Bring cash and your own bags.  While some markets accept credit and debit cards, cash is always accepted.  And plastic bags are usually available, but if you have a big haul, a canvas bag works best.

3.Be open-minded to try new produce.  And if it’s not too busy, ask the farmer some cooking tips if you’re unfamiliar with a new vegetable.  Not sure how to prepare those adorable yellow pattypan squash?  Just ask.  Farmers want you coming back, and sharing a tasty recipe brings back repeat customers.

Farmers’ markets often offer other merch, too, such as homemade baked goods, soaps, and jewelry.  So rock your sundress, grab your totes, and head out for summer’s best pickings!

As a Juice Therapist these are just some of my pro tips. If you are looking for some recipes to do a juice cleanse or want to know more about the benefits of a juice cleanse, check out Evie’s Enlivening Juice List featuring my enlightened list of juicing essentials plus some of my favorite recipes to get started.