Get Healthy with These Five Cheese Alternatives for World Cheese Day

Celebrate World Cheese Day by switching to a healthier option. Traditional cheese is loaded with saturated fat and cholesterol, raising your risk for heart disease, and I like to call it 'liquid meat.'

But there are plenty of delicious cheese alternatives that are lower in fat and calories and just as flavorful.

Cheese is one of those delicious but unhealthy food choices that we all love to hate. We know it's not good for us, but we can't resist its creamy, salty goodness. Did you know that cheese releases serotonin that makes people addicted to cheese?

The same neurotransmitter responsible for making us feel happy and relaxed is also responsible for cheese cravings. And it's not just the taste that we're addicted to - studies have shown that cheese contains opiates that can create a sense of euphoria in the brain.

But as delicious as cheese may be, it's also terrible for our health. Cheese is high in fat and cholesterol, and it can clog the lymphatic system. It's also mucus-forming, contributing to respiratory problems like asthma and allergies. So next time you want to indulge in a tasty piece of cheese, remember that it's not worth the health risks.

I thought I could never go vegan for the longest time because I loved cheese too much. It wasn't until I started doing some research that I realized plenty of delicious, healthy alternatives to cheese provide the same taste without the health risks. Store-bought options like Daiya and Follow Your Heart cheese shreds melt and taste like cheese.

If you're motivated, you can even make your vegan cheese at home using cashews, nutritional yeast, and other simple ingredients. Whatever route you choose, there's no reason to sacrifice taste when you switch to a vegan diet, and cheese is no longer an excuse.

Many delicious, healthy alternatives to cheese provide the same taste without the health risks.

Try one of these five cheese alternatives on World Cheese Day:



-Daiya cheese

-Nutritional yeast

-Cashew cheese (my fave)

Cashew cheese isn't just for vegans, it's also for people looking for a healthier, lower-fat alternative to cream cheese. Cashews provide a lot of copper, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, iron, selenium, zinc, and B vitamins, and they're also high in protein and fiber. All these nutrients found in cashew cheese are essential for maintaining a healthy body.

To make the cashew cheese:

 -Soak raw cashews in water for at least four hours or overnight

-Drain and rinse the cashews

-Place them in a blender, or I recommend using this cold-press juicer with water, nutritional yeast, and lemon juice

-Blend until smooth

-Add more water if you want a thinner consistency

-Season with salt and pepper to taste.

This recipe is so easy, and it's a great way to enjoy the benefits of cashews without all the fat. Cashew cheese is also a delicious addition to vegan cheese sauces, soups, and spreads. Vegan mac and cheese are freaking awesome. Give it a try on World Cheese Day - you won't be disappointed.

So, this World Cheese Day, celebrate by trying one of these delicious, healthy cheese alternatives! Your taste buds will love the savory flavors, and your body will thank you for the nutritional benefits.

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Evie Kevishcheese, dairy, vegan