National Dairy Month Series: World Milk Day

Did you know that June 1st is World Milk Day? That's right - it's a day to celebrate all things dairy!

But what if I told you that there are some severe threats to people drinking dairy milk?

And, no, I'm not talking about the 60% of lactose-intolerant people. Although that is a growing population, it's not the main reason people are giving up dairy milk.

The biggest reason people are choosing to ditch dairy is for ethical, environmental, and healthy reasons.

I'm talking about the dairy industry harming our environment and our health.

The dairy industry's unethical practices include animal cruelty and environmental destruction.

"It's not all lush fields and happy cows," as you will see if you watch the recently released, Milked - a free documentary on YouTube.

Unethical Dairy Farming Practices

Cows are also routinely given hormones to increase their milk production. These hormones can end up in the milk that we drink and have been linked to cancer and other health problems in humans. One study has shown that drinking milk can increase the risk of breast cancer by up to 80%.

Animal cruelty is a huge problem in the dairy industry. Cows are kept in cramped, filthy conditions and constantly impregnated so they can produce milk. Then these male bobby calves (aged between 4-14 days) are slaughtered or sold to veal houses because they do not produce milk. 

Dairy cows' diet of GMOs and growth hormones leads to the cows' health problems, and this unnatural diet often makes them sick. Ranchers then give large amounts of antibiotics to prevent disease, leading to antibiotic resistance in humans.

Inflammation of the udder, known as mastitis, is a severe problem for dairy cows, and this can lead to an infection and can be painful for the cow.

A fistulated cow is a cow that has had a hole cut in her side so that researchers can study her digestive system and use her healthy rumen bacteria to help other sick or infected cows. This surgery is an invasive, painful, and permanent procedure for the cow.

The Dairy Industry's Impact on the Environment

Environmental destruction is another big issue linked to the dairy industry. The United Nations has called for a reduction in dairy consumption due to its negative impact on the environment. Dairy farming uses a lot of water and land and produces a lot of greenhouse gases.

Dairy cows are one of the leading sources of methane emissions. Methane is a greenhouse gas that is significantly more potent than carbon dioxide.

Dairy farms are also responsible for a large amount of water pollution. The manure from dairy cows often contains high levels of nitrogen and phosphorus, which can lead to algae blooms and water contamination.

In addition, the dairy industry is a significant contributor to climate change. Milk production requires a lot of energy and resources, including water, land, and feed for the cows. All of this results in a significant carbon footprint.

Healthy Propaganda is a Lie

The International Dairy Foods Association (IDFA) lead people to believe that dairy supplies them with calcium. However, this couldn't be further from the truth, and dairy robs the body of calcium.

Dairy products are highly acidic and contain high saturated fat, cholesterol, and hormones, and this combination makes it difficult for the body to absorb calcium. Studies have shown that people who consume many dairy products have a higher risk of hip fractures.

Lactose causes some people to experience bloating, gas, and diarrhea. For them, dairy milk is not a pleasant experience.

"Dairy products can cause acid buildup, inflammation, and acne. The alternative is juice cleanses. Juice cleanses full of nutrients and antioxidants help flush out toxins and promote healthy skin."

 – Evie Kevish, Certified Juice Therapist

Milk is a Product We Don't Need

Is dairy worth all the ethical and environmental problems it causes? So, what does all of this mean for people who love their milk? It means that we need to be aware of the environmental impact of our daily dairy consumption and make choices that are best for both our health and the planet.

There are plenty of plant-based alternatives to dairy milk that are just as delicious and nutritious. Soy milk, almond milk, and coconut milk are all great options. There are also many dairy-free cheese and yogurt products made from plant-based ingredients.

So, on World Milk Day, let's pledge to ditch dairy and choose healthier, more sustainable alternatives like plant-based dairy and protein for a vegan lifestyle. Our planet and our bodies will thank us for it!

As a certified juice therapist, I help you choose the best fruits and vegetables for your needs and

create custom juice recipes that are both healthy and delicious. So, let's have a 30-minute coaching call so you can be empowered.


Evie Kevishdairy, vegan