Traveling? Bring your workouts with you, try new ones

Taking a vacation from the daily grind of work and chores is rejuvenating. Taking a vacation from your workout routine is uplifting too. Notice I said taking a vacay from the routine, not from working out. If you take a total break, it’ll be grueling to get back on track when you return home. Instead, make time during your vacation to exercise, but try something new to refresh yourself.

My family and I just returned from awesome vacay. While at home, I habitually wake up every day at 4:07 a.m. to workout. But when on vacation, I love sleeping in with my hubs and kiddos.  But I did manage to ease out of our hotel room each morning – before everyone got up -- to get in a workout. 

I had packed some kettlebells and dumbbells, and enjoyed a great workout on the beach. I would have used the hotel gym, but it didn’t open until later in the morning, and I wanted to be done before my kids arose. With a little advance prep, I still got a workout in every day. Even though they were shorter than what I do at home, I still felt energized and glad I didn’t backtrack from my fitness goals. You wouldn’t skip brushing your teeth on vacay, why skip exercising?

There are so many easy ways to squeeze in a workout while on vacation.  Change your mindset that it has to be long and strenuous. You’ll likely be walking more, so that’s a terrific start.  Pack some equipment, such as a jumprope or yoga mat.  And you can log into an online exercise class on your phone or laptop, to do in the privacy of your hotel room.  Or take it poolside!

 When I’m traveling for work, I’ll research gyms and juiceries that will be near my hotel, in case I need options to keep the good health vibes going while out-of-town.  If the hotel doesn’t have a workout facility, some local gyms charge a nominal fee for a day pass. 


On this family trip, we hiked and swam.  And did I enjoy eating out and splurging on some treats?  Yes and yes!  We found some great vegan restaurants, and I enjoyed sampling new indulgent foods.

When I returned home, I got right back in my routine.  From eating too much vacation food, I wanted to eliminate bloat, and did a week-long juice fast. I feel better and am back on track.  That’s how I’ve made my fitness and clean eating plan a lifestyle; enjoying changes, but getting back on track, and doing what’s best for me.

You can too!  Enjoy your hard-earned vacation, and the healthy body you’re building, no matter where life takes you!

If you come back from vacation and feel like you need to reset and need some recipes for a juice cleanse or want to know is juicing healthy and the benefits of juicing, check out  Evie’s Enlivening Juice List featuring my enlightened list of juicing essentials plus some of my favorite recipes. This juice therapist is here to help you!