Can juicing prevent skin cancer?

When thinking about sunscreen, really look and read the ingredients. Sunscreen is supposed to protect us from harmful UV radiation from the sun, but as more people use sunscreen, the incidence of skin cancer continues to rise. My family does not use toxic chemical sunscreens. So think about that the next time you lather your child up in the blazing sun.

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Overate? Time to motivate!

If you’ve achieved your weight goals, and lost any pandemic/stress-induced weight gain: Congratulations!

If instead you’re looking at the calendar realizing that summer is just weeks away, and you’re not ready for a bathing suit or shorts, I got you. Every day is a new chance to reset and improve.

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Spring clean your kitchen, to spring clean your body

Your kitchen can be your sanctuary, not a prison if you spend some time making it work. Say an affirmation or prayer before juicing or making meals. Declare that "this is where I nourish myself and my family, I am so thankful for these clean fruits and veggies to nourish and cleanse our bodies." Be thankful.

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Can raw foods heal autism?

“Studies in mainstream journals are now linking the autism epidemic in the United States to the standard American diet. Severe mineral deficiencies are the result of processed and refined foods that contain toxic ingredients such as high-fructose corn syrup, which can play a huge role in how the body gets rid of toxic chemicals such as mercury and pesticides.”

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Keep Easter clean, tasty, and ham-free

Being Puerto Rican, it doesn’t matter what holiday or event - the main dish is ALWAYS rice and beans accompanied by meat. However, with my immediate family being vegan almost two years now, we have had to change some things for our holiday gatherings. Most of the time, I make and/or bring my own food to parties, because I know there probably won’t be a lot of nutritious vegan choices.

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What’s in Season? Pick pineapples!

As a Juice Therapist, I will tell you that pineapples have loads of vitamins and nutrients, which is why my typical weekly grocery bill includes 25 pineapples, in addition to other fruit and veggies to feed my family of four. Yes 25 pineapples, and we don’t have leftovers. (Aldi calls me the fruit lady!).

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Better than green beer: Treat your body to this St. Paddy’s Day elixir

Some juicing recipes for energy can include celery, basil, cucumber and green apple. The stats for one cup of celery juice: 43 calories, 2 grams protein, 9.5 grams carbs, and 5 grams of natural sugar. Plus, it packs between 5 to 14% of your daily vitamin requirements for calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, and vitamins A, C, and K. Need more evidence of this superfood?

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Kidneys love fruit

You might ask a Juice Therapist, so how do you keep your kidneys strong? Some recipes for a juice cleanse can include superfoods that contain antioxidants that neutralize and protect the body, including red peppers, cabbage, cauliflower, garlic, onions, apples, cranberries, blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, cherries, and red grapes. An easy way to consume more superfood nutrition is by doing juice therapy and enjoying them daily.

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Taking the ick factor out of coffee enemas

I do coffee enemas to release toxins from my body. As a Juice Therapist, I eat an extremely clean vegan diet, but some foods can still contribute to poisons in the body, and I just want them out. In addition to that, know that you can still have toxins if you eat clean. With juicing and healthy raw foods, I’m putting so much good in my body, I want to assist my body to flush the bad out.

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Love your heart with juice

As a Juice Therapist, I would recommend trying something different this year. Consider making a red juice sipper for Valentine’s Day with vitamin C-rich strawberries, raspberries, cherries and watermelon. Toss in some red grapes, which contain heart-friendly resveratrol.

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My 8 year journey getting fitter, stronger, and lifting 250 pounds

My advice to all women, young and old, is to start small. Don’t say you can’t do it. We all start somewhere. If you believe you can, you can. You’re never too old. It’s never too late. You can do it. You can be the badass mom you want to be. Maybe you won’t have red-hot extra-long fingernails, but it won’t matter, as you’ll have so much more, including sky-high confidence and a kickin’ strong, healthy body.

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Recipes For A Juice Cleanse In The Winter

Doing a juice cleanse is so healthy for your immunity. You should do a cleanse four times a year, as the seasons change. I just finished up a seven-day cleanse. No solid foods for seven days just juice, fasting, coffee enemas, detoxing and cleansing out the cells on a molecular level. Check out my before and after pic! Seven days and look and what the body can do.

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Juicing supplies vitamins to help glaucoma, promote eye health

Do you know that Glaucoma is the second leading cause of blindness, after cataracts? Glaucoma refers to a variety of disorders that cause progressive damage to the optic nerve. According to The World Health Organization, glaucoma has been defined as gradual vision loss due to elevated pressure in the eye. The diagnosis is now made based on two criteria: visible damage to the optic nerve, and loss of peripheral vision.

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Plant-based diet pairs best with juicing

You might ask “Is juicing healthy?” Juice therapy can aide in the fight of diseases caused from animal-based products. “Whether you’re considering eating less meat or giving it up entirely, the benefits are clear: less risk of disease and improved health and well-being,” the AHA says. “Specifically, less meat decreases the risk of heart disease, stroke, obesity, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, type 2 diabetes, and many cancers.”

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3 Reasons Why You Need to Drink Fresh Juice Daily

Adding fresh juice to your daily routine is one of those small changes that, over time, adds up to huge gains in both your health and happiness. Fresh juice delivers a huge dose of phytonutrients, age-busting antioxidants, and super-charged enzymes that help your body function optimally so you can move through life with greater ease.

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Juice cleanse for weight loss

Pants feeling a little tight lately?

When you’re chronically tired, dehydrated, and caught in a cycle of bad eating that leaves you feeling stuck and stressed out, shedding unwanted pounds can feel almost impossible.

Sure, crash diets deliver quick wins, but those lost pounds always reappear (and then some) when you return to eating-as-usual. But, it’s those less-than-optimal food choices and habits that lead us down an unhealthy path of chronic fatigue, steady weight gain, and just more bad food choices.

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How a New Year’s Juice Cleanse Changed My Life

The holidays are all about enjoying time with family and friends, and while it’s okay to indulge a little, all those homemade cookies and glasses of wine have a way of adding up.

One morning, you wake up tired and bloated. Your pants pinch as you reach for the baggy sweater you’ve been wearing all week, just as those cravings for carbs and sugar hit.

We’ve all been there.

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