Posts in Food
Keep your summer goals going: aim high, have fun!

Goals should be challenging, but not unreachable. What are your summer goals? Break them down to manageable bites or micro goals. If your macro goal is to get more definition in your upper arms, let your micro goal to do three sets of 12 arm exercises with 5-pound free weights every morning. Or use a barbell. Check out my Instagram for ideas or google toned arms.

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Love your heart with juice

As a Juice Therapist, I would recommend trying something different this year. Consider making a red juice sipper for Valentine’s Day with vitamin C-rich strawberries, raspberries, cherries and watermelon. Toss in some red grapes, which contain heart-friendly resveratrol.

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Juice cleanse for weight loss

Pants feeling a little tight lately?

When you’re chronically tired, dehydrated, and caught in a cycle of bad eating that leaves you feeling stuck and stressed out, shedding unwanted pounds can feel almost impossible.

Sure, crash diets deliver quick wins, but those lost pounds always reappear (and then some) when you return to eating-as-usual. But, it’s those less-than-optimal food choices and habits that lead us down an unhealthy path of chronic fatigue, steady weight gain, and just more bad food choices.

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How a New Year’s Juice Cleanse Changed My Life

The holidays are all about enjoying time with family and friends, and while it’s okay to indulge a little, all those homemade cookies and glasses of wine have a way of adding up.

One morning, you wake up tired and bloated. Your pants pinch as you reach for the baggy sweater you’ve been wearing all week, just as those cravings for carbs and sugar hit.

We’ve all been there.

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