Posts in Juicing
A refresher on refreshing, body-loving juice

I shared how fruit juices are energizers, while veggie juices are builders. Did you know that the chlorophyll in plants is almost identical to human blood, and helps build tissues? Plants heal! And this is why juicing works: it extracts the best of a plant. It’s liquid life energy! And raw foods are living foods with life-giving energy that bring vitality to the cells.

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When you make national headlines and end up on Jimmy Kimmel

If you read my blogs and social media posts, you will see what I share a lot is information about a juice cleanse. I also share recipes for a juice cleanse, the benefits a juice cleanse and information about juicing recipes for energy. I am all about inspiring, educating and motivating people on a healthy and holistic lifestyle.

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Keep your summer goals going: aim high, have fun!

Goals should be challenging, but not unreachable. What are your summer goals? Break them down to manageable bites or micro goals. If your macro goal is to get more definition in your upper arms, let your micro goal to do three sets of 12 arm exercises with 5-pound free weights every morning. Or use a barbell. Check out my Instagram for ideas or google toned arms.

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What’s in Season? Pick pineapples!

As a Juice Therapist, I will tell you that pineapples have loads of vitamins and nutrients, which is why my typical weekly grocery bill includes 25 pineapples, in addition to other fruit and veggies to feed my family of four. Yes 25 pineapples, and we don’t have leftovers. (Aldi calls me the fruit lady!).

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Better than green beer: Treat your body to this St. Paddy’s Day elixir

Some juicing recipes for energy can include celery, basil, cucumber and green apple. The stats for one cup of celery juice: 43 calories, 2 grams protein, 9.5 grams carbs, and 5 grams of natural sugar. Plus, it packs between 5 to 14% of your daily vitamin requirements for calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, and vitamins A, C, and K. Need more evidence of this superfood?

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Kidneys love fruit

You might ask a Juice Therapist, so how do you keep your kidneys strong? Some recipes for a juice cleanse can include superfoods that contain antioxidants that neutralize and protect the body, including red peppers, cabbage, cauliflower, garlic, onions, apples, cranberries, blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, cherries, and red grapes. An easy way to consume more superfood nutrition is by doing juice therapy and enjoying them daily.

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Love your heart with juice

As a Juice Therapist, I would recommend trying something different this year. Consider making a red juice sipper for Valentine’s Day with vitamin C-rich strawberries, raspberries, cherries and watermelon. Toss in some red grapes, which contain heart-friendly resveratrol.

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