I shared how fruit juices are energizers, while veggie juices are builders. Did you know that the chlorophyll in plants is almost identical to human blood, and helps build tissues? Plants heal! And this is why juicing works: it extracts the best of a plant. It’s liquid life energy! And raw foods are living foods with life-giving energy that bring vitality to the cells.
Read MoreDecide before going to the party about what you're going to do if you start overeating. Maybe set a time limit for yourself at the meal and decide when you'll stop eating. Once you've made your decision, stick to it. No matter what temptations come your way.
Read MoreJuice therapy is an easy way to jumpstart your metabolism without doing anything crazy like taking diet pills or starving yourself. With juice therapy, you can get the nutrients your body needs without having to work too hard.
Read MoreJuicing can help manage diabetes by reducing cravings for sugary food and drinks high in carbohydrates. Since the juice is sweet but doesn't cause blood sugar spikes, juice can satisfy a diabetic's desire for sweets.
Read MoreGelatin, made from the boiled bones, tendons, and ligaments of cattle or pigs, is a thickener and a stabilizer to keep ingredients from separating.
Read MorePumpkin spice lattes and other fall drinks might be delicious, but they're not healthy. So unless your priority this season is to gain weight, you might want to skip ordering any of these drinks.
Read MoreIf you read my blogs and social media posts, you will see what I share a lot is information about a juice cleanse. I also share recipes for a juice cleanse, the benefits a juice cleanse and information about juicing recipes for energy. I am all about inspiring, educating and motivating people on a healthy and holistic lifestyle.
Read MoreRaw, organic juice made from vegetables and fruits cleanses the body of toxins, which free up your immune system to fight disease.
A juice cleanse is the best to reset your system and empower you to have natural healing.
Read MoreGrapes get even sweeter in the fall. According to produce experts, the cooler fall nights intensify the flavor of grapes, while the hot days allow them to keep ripening. Green grapes that are turning the slightest bit amber will be super sweet. And red grapes are equally good. When I do a juice cleanse, I always use grapes as they as so powerful in pulling toxins from the body.
Read MoreWhen I learned and understood the issues associated with my gut, I made the decision to change things. I researched and looked up recipes for a juice cleanse because I wanted to know the benefits of a juice cleanse. I wanted to know is juicing healthy? Once I started juice therapy, I immediately started feeling energetic, healthy, and motivated.
Read MoreAs a full-time working mom of two young children, I know the demands are real. There will be new schedules for everyone. Chances are, many parents will be returning to in-person work too. Lots of changes; lots of opportunities to start some fresh traditions.
Read MoreI’ve been a vegan for two years, and have become even more healthy and toned through plants. Specifically, fruit juice. I don’t supplement my diet with any plant-based protein powders.
Read MoreThere are so many easy ways to squeeze in a workout while on vacation. Change your mindset that it has to be long and strenuous. You’ll likely be walking more, so that’s a terrific start. Pack some equipment, such as a jumprope or yoga mat. And you can log into an online exercise class on your phone or laptop, to do in the privacy of your hotel room. Or take it poolside!
Read MoreGoals should be challenging, but not unreachable. What are your summer goals? Break them down to manageable bites or micro goals. If your macro goal is to get more definition in your upper arms, let your micro goal to do three sets of 12 arm exercises with 5-pound free weights every morning. Or use a barbell. Check out my Instagram for ideas or google toned arms.
Read MoreThe farmers’ markets are also great ways to see what’s in season. This is a great way to stock up on fruit at a good price. If you are doing a juice cleanse make a list of your recipes for your juice cleanse and then get those for juicing recipes for energy and start that juice therapy!
Read MoreDon’t say no sweat, say yes sweat, as sweat is cool! It’s an amazing way our body regulates temperature and cools itself. The glands in our skin release water, which evaporates off us, then cools us off.
Read MoreWhat makes watermelons so fabulous? Know that when looking for juicing recipes for energy - watermelons have high water content which makes it extremely hydrating, and low in calories. They are loaded in vitamins A, B, and C, plus potassium, iron, calcium, magnesium, and phosphorous.
Read MoreA couple of years ago I wanted to do a juice cleanse and I was looking up recipes for a juice cleanse. I wanted to know the benefits of a juice cleanse. Is juicing healthy? Can I really find juicing recipes for energy? I researched and read all about juice therapy and decided I needed to purchase a juicer.
Read MoreThinking of a great Father’s Day gift idea for your husband? The best gift you can give your husband is a healthy you. The healthiest that you can be, right now. Maybe you have weight to lose; being healthy is more than the number on the scale. It’s taking care of yourself, by keeping up with doctor’s appointments, sleeping well, staying hydrated, and nourishing your body and soul.
Read More“Alkaline diets have been shown to help prevent plaque formation in blood vessels, stop calcium from accumulating the urine, prevent kidney stones, build stronger bones, reduce muscle wasting and spasms, and much more.”
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